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Queer and Christian in Iraq (01.01.2003)[En]

In other words, for every 27 Iraqis there is just one Christian. I wondered how these Christians felt. As a queer, I searched for a queer Christian. You may think it is easy to find one among the 850,000 Christians but it was hard. I found one and we became …

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Anti-war U.S. church leaders in Baghdad (01.01.2003)[En]

NCC General Secretary Bob Edgar arrived with the group Monday for meetings with heads of local churches, mosques, schools, hospitals, the Red Crescent Society and other agencies operating in Iraq. The itinerary did not include visits with government leaders, but the delegation met yesterday with Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq …

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Political declaration of Iraqi opposition (20.12.2002)[En]

Following are highlights of the declaration, which was disclosed after a four-day meeting in the British capital. – Iraq will have a democratic, federal, parliamentary and pluralist system that does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex or ideology. A constitution will acknowledge the composition of the Iraqi …

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U.S. Said to Ready Kurd Areas in Iraq for Possible War (24.12.2002)[En]

American intelligence officials have been working alongside Kurdish officials in recent weeks, and recruiters for an American-sponsored opposition group have been selecting candidates for a program to train scouts and translators that one day may help American forces inside Iraq, according to Kurdish and Western officials. American military planners have …

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Iraqi Christians fear invasion backlash (En)

During the 23 years of Saddam’s rule, Ibrahim’s fealty has served him and hundreds of thousands of other Iraqi Christians well. But as a U.S.-led war against Iraq looks increasingly likely, Ibrahim believes the Christians’ luck might finally be running out, along with their leader’s. “Until now this has been …

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Iraq’s Christians (20.12.2002)(En)

* * * The Assyrian Christians, a non-Arab, Semitic people with a 5,000-year presence in northern Iraq, constitute some 5% to 10% of the Iraqi population. Despite constant threats from Muslim neighbors, they have kept their ethnic and linguistic identity alive and maintain a flourishing diaspora in Australia, Europe and …

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Members of the followup and arrangement committee (17.12.2002) (En)

1-Ibrahim Hamoudi 2-Dr. Ahmed Chalabi 3-Ahmed Ali Muhsin 4-Akram Al Hakim 5-Albert Yelda 6-Ayad Al Samaraei 7-Dr. Ayad Allawi 8-Ayham Al Samaraei 9-Dr. Bayan Al Aaraji (Woman) 10-Bayan Jabr 11-Tawfiq Al Yasiri 12-Jalal Al Talabani 13-Jned Manko 14-Jawad Al Attar 15-Jawhar Namiq 16-Hatem Mukhlis 17-Hatem Shaalan Abu Al Joun 18-Hajim …

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