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Six Assyrians Appointed to Kirkuk City Council (20/04/2003)

The 24 individuals represent four main ethnic populations of the oil-city of Kirkuk: Arabs, Kurds, Assyrians and Turkomen. The Six Assyrian representatives are: 1. Dr. Emil Nasir Azo2. Mr. Sabah Nasir Hindi (Raabie)3. Mr. Edward Oraham Odisho (Raabie)4. Mr. Sargon Lazar Sliwa (Engineer)5. Mr. Ashour Yalda (Attorney)6. Mr. Issac Poulus …

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13-Points of Agreement – Naseyriah Meeting (16/04/2003)

  1. Iraq must be democratic. 2. The future government of Iraq should not be based on communal identity. 3. A future government should be organized as a democratic federal system, but on the basis of countrywide consultation. 4. The rule of law must be paramount. 5. Iraq must be …

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13 Points Issued at Postwar Iraq Meeting (16/04/2003)

  After that, the Iraqi factions attending a meeting to create a postwar government had plenty of “honest differences of opinion,” as one speaker put it. The 80 or so participants at Tuesday’s U.S.-sponsored meeting to begin shaping Iraq’s postwar government adopted a set of 13 points declaring that “the …

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Iraqi Christians look ahead to uncertain future (13/04/2003)

At the first mass for Iraq’s Chaldean Catholic minority since government forces collapsed on Thursday and U.S. troops moved in, Bishop Andraus Sanna said in a sermon delivered in Arabic that his flock had much to be grateful for.But having enjoyed relative religious freedom under Saddam and his Baath party, …

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Analysis: Iraqi opposition established (11/04/2003)

The assassination of Shiite leader Majid al-Khoei in An Najaf on Thursday dealt a harsh blow to the Iraqi opposition and the suicide attacks against coalition troops in Baghdad further complicated the situation on the field. But such events are bound to prompt Washington and London to help set up …

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Iraq War Pushes Little-Known Assyrians to Fore (03/04/2003)

  Most striking to a Jewish observer were the oddly familiar yet mysterious syllables resounding occasionally from the platform. “Shlam Alukhem,” one speaker said, “Talbakh min maren esho meshikha qat khame l’da atra…” It didn’t quite sound like Arabic. It certainly wasn’t Hebrew. To the scholarly ear it sounded curiously …

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“We Support Our Troops and President Bush!”(31/03/2003)

CHICAGO, IL.  –  The largest pro-American rally to happen in the United States to date was held in Chicago this past Sunday by thousands of Assyrian-Americans who support the U.S. operations in Iraq.Assyrians are the indigenous people of Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria and Lebanon.  They come from the vast area that …

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U.S. picks 30 Iraqi exiles as ‘frontmen’ of new regime (26/03/2003)

Divided into sectors such as “democratic principles and procedures” and “transitional justice,” some of those on the list already are in the region working in parallel with coalition forces to oust Saddam.Others have been coordinating with the State Department and Department of Defense, drawing up plans on how best to …

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