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The lecture was the first public lecture to be held by any non-government political organization to analyze the political conditions in Syria, to criticize the government, and offer solutions on how to solve the current ambiguity in the national identity of the people in Syria. The lecture was attended by …

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Bishops Elect Chaldean Catholics Leader (03/12/2003)

Bishop Emmanuel-Karim Delly, 76, was elected at a synod of 22 bishops called to Rome by Pope John Paul II to break a deadlock in the choice of a successor to Patriarch Raphael I Bidawid, who died in July after a long illness. He was 81. The new patriarch took …

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Christian families in Iraq targeted (05/11/2003)

Before the war, the Oro family ran a popular entertainment empire, serving alcohol in their restaurants and shops. Now, an Islamic fatwa declares that no one should trade in alcohol on pain of death. The big casino and dance hall that was once the flagship of the family’s 15-strong property …

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  Archbishop Shlimon Wardoni, the Patriarchal Vicar of the Chaldean Catholic Church, stated in the opening ceremony that the aim and goal of the heads of churches and sects in Iraq is to establish Independent Church Council. In that Council, all Christians will work together in order to unify their …

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Judge shot and killed outside his home (04/11/2003)

Judge Sadeq was nominated to be the presiding Judge for the entire city of Mosul. Further information regarding the cold-blooded murder of Judge Sadeq will follow. At this time, our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Judge Sadeq and we hope that the perpetrators of this hideous …

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The Final Statement of the Chaldean Syriac Assyrian General Conference

Under the auspice of Dr. Ayad Alawi, the recurring President of the Iraqi Governing Council, and under the slogan “Our Unity and Our National Rights in Iraq,” the Chaldean Syriac Assyrian General Conference in Baghdad was held between October 22-24, 2003. Among the participants were Mr. Yonadam Kanna, the representative …

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For the Sake of this Unique Nation? (07/10/2003)

A very important question here is: Is this messy issue today really about the name or is it about the control of the Church of the East. The Chaldean Catholic Church synod failed to elect a patriarch in Baghdad for the first time in its 173-years history, as it left …

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