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Iraqi Interim Constitution Ambiguous on Religious Freedom

  The constitution, signed on March 8 by all 25 members of the Iraqi governing council, has been hailed as progressive by Middle East standards. But Paul Cooke, advocacy manager for the British-based Barnabus Fund, described the constitution as “very ambiguous” in regards to religious freedom. “What was positive was …

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Iraqi Christians fear Easter attacks

  Before the invasion of Iraq, Christians were present in many areas of Iraq. Estimates suggested that there were 100,000 in the Northern No Fly Zone, including perhaps half in the City of Mosul, 100,000 scattered in the South and Hundreds of thousands in Central Iraq with significant numbers in …

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Iraqi Christians fear Muslim wrath

  Now, some Iraqi Chaldean Christians say they fear that militants will attack churches in Baghdad on Easter Sunday. Chaldea was the name 2,000 years ago of a portion of Iraq, then part of the Persian Empire. Chaldean Christians broke from the early Christian church over the question of Jesus’ …

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1er avril ? Le nouvel an assyrien 6754

Le Moyen-Orient est soumis aux changements et nous, les habitants originels de la M?sopotamie, nous y serons ?galement confront?s. Nos futurs livres d?histoire  parleront de la p?riode actuelle comme d?terminante pour notre peuple. Un coup d?oeil sur l?ann?e ?coul?e montre combien la lutte pour la reconnaissance de notre peuple  fut …

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Assyrians need louder voice in Iraq

Piro, who frequently travels to the Middle East for business and personal purposes, told a group of Turlock Rotarians Tuesday that Arab people are upset with Americans because of the government’s support of Israel, but people in Iraq are pleased with the U.S. presence. Even so, Iraqis are concerned about …

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Study resumed in al-Qamishli, two explosives defused

The bishop of the Orthodox Assyrian church in al-Hassaka, Matta Rohem, confirmed news of finding the two explosives and said they were defused, belittling their destructive power. Rohem said in press statements that the two explosives were found in a people s area near al-Qamishli municipality near Jaghjagh river bridge …

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Syrian Arabs fear Iraqi Kurd scenario

  Syrian Arabs are accusing some Kurd countrymen of trying to give the United States a pretext to intervene in Syria like it has done in neighbouring Iraq. Arabs on the streets of some Syrian cities voiced anger and dismay at recent violence in the north of the country, saying …

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Christianity in a crucible

The campaign makes sense in the United States, where Christian denominations and other religions compete for adherents in a free market of ideas. But for Iraqi Christians — made up of Assyrians, Chaldeans and a smattering of smaller Catholic and Orthodox denominations, plus some Protestant churches dating back to colonial …

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Assyrians Injured During Kurdish Riots in Syria

The violence in Qameshli ended after Interior Minister Ali Haj Hammoud flew to the area to take control and the authorities threatened those responsible with the “severest punishments”. Police officers and residents armed with licensed hunting rifles patrolled the streets of al-Hassaka, the administrative centre of the region, where public …

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Tensions high in north Syria after Kurdish deaths

A truck flying a Kurdish flag followed a vehicle near Afrin in northern Syria that bore the body of Ibrahim Mohammad, one of the demonstrators said to have been killed by the police. People lined the route to the graveyard along streets still scarred by the burn marks of tyres …

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