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Turkey’s Erdogan Calls on U.S. to Halt Kurdish Push

Bloomberg) — The U.S. has failed to halt a push for power in northern Iraq by the Kurdish minority that threatens stability in the region, Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said. “Turkey won’t allow the region to be thrown into a chaos,” Erdogan, 50, told his party at the …

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Mr. Barazani tarnishes the landscape of the Iraqi elections !

The elections of this Sunday confirmed the division of Iraqis between an enthusiastic majority to take part in this poll and a minority decided to boycott these elections. But Mr. Barazani creates a third category: Iraqi citizens very enthusiastic with the idea to exert their voting rights but prevented and …

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Dhr. Barzani verziekt de atmosfeer van de Irakese verkiezingen

Iraq- Diaspora- ADO De verkiezingen van afgelopen zondag lieten duidelijk een scheiding tussen de Irakezen onderling zien. Een enthousiaste meerderheid die deelnam aan de verkiezingen en een minderheid die besloot de verkiezingen te boycotten. Maar dhr. Barzani heeft een derde groep gecre?erd, namelijk de enthousiaste Irakezen die gebruik wilden maken …

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Assyrians Prevented By Kurds From Voting in North Iraq

(AINA) — In a brazen and nearly unbelievable move, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) headed by warlord Masoud Barzani has prevented voting by Assyrian (also known as Chaldean and Syriac) Christians of the Nineveh Plain in northern Iraq. According to a series of reports from inside Iraq, the KDP effectively …

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Assyrian Christians Say Kurds Wouldn’t Let Them Vote

NEW YORK (AP) — Some Iraqi Christians say their kinsmen in Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq weren’t allowed to vote in Sunday’s election. Simon George, co-director of an Assyrian satellite television station, says he received “at least 100 calls” from Assyrians complaining about being deprived of the vote in Christian villages around …

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Kurds Prevent Assyrians From Voting in North Iraq

Baghdad (AINA) — Voting boxes and supplies were not delivered to the predominantly Christian districts of Baghdeda, Bartilla, Karamlesh, Shekhan, Ain Sifne and Rimady, which have a population of 300,000 ChaldoAssyrians. The voting boxes were to be delivered from Arbil. Mr. Hendawy, an election official, and the Chief of Operations …

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Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights

President George W. BushThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.Washington, D.C. 2050025 January 2005 Mr. President: We are writing to express our concern for the future of Christians, Mandaeans, Yazidies and other non-Muslim minorities in Iraq. There are three critical actions that you can take to help guarantee their survival. We …

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Australian MP Calls for Safe Haven in Iraq for Assyrians

(AINA) — The Assyrian Universal Alliance-Australia Chapter (AUA) met a number of times with Australian Government Officials and presented detailed letters and submissions expressing its concern about the violent attacks in Iraq targeting their religious places of worship, holy sites, and individual members of religious and ethnic communities. In these …

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