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Assyrians, Turkomen, Yazidis Protest Outside Green Zone

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) — Hundreds of Iraqis shouted slogans and waved Iraqi flags Sunday outside Baghdad’s heavily guarded Green Zone to protest alleged irregularities they say prevented tens of thousands of people in Mosul from voting in last weekend’s landmark elections. The demonstrators were mainly Iraqi Christians, Turkomen and Yazidis …

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Iraqi Turkmen Document Details Kurdish Election Rigging in Iraq

(AINA) — The Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITF) issued an official protest to the High Commission for the Elections in Iraq on 31st January 2005 complaining about widespread irregularities committed by the Kurds in the Turkmen region. The document details extensive voting abuses by Kurds, including: Kurds voting outside of their …

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Les chrétiens d’Irak prient pour la guérison du pape

“Nous prions pour sa Sainteté, le pape, qui est à l’hôpital”, dit l’évêque Andraos Abouna, en s’adressant aux fidèles rassemblés par cette matinée pluvieuse dans l’église de l’Assomption du quartier Mansour dans l’ouest de Bagdad. “Nous prions pour sa guérison, lui qui s’est sacrifié pour l’humanitéet qui a fait face …

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Christian History Corner : Losing Jesus’ Language

CT Online Assistant Editor Rob Moll spoke and e-mailed with Dr. Naby about the Assyrians and their struggle to maintain their heritage. ROB MOLL: Assyrians have been in Iraq for a long time. Could you tell us about their history in the region? EDEN NABY: Iraq is a recent term. …

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Christian History Corner: Missionary Tales from the Iraqi Front

With Saddam Hussein’s government newly deposed, you might expect Iraq’s approximately 300,000 Christians to be celebrating. But while nearly all expressed their relief over Easter that most of the fighting seems to be over, many fear an Islamic takeover of the government once the Americans and British withdraw. Hussein’s government, …

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Christian History Corner: Iraq’s Christians Caught in the Middle, Again

Every Christian has an opinion on the impending possibility—now, it seems, likelihood—of war with Iraq. A bishop from President Bush’s United Methodist Church appeared in a recent television commercial opposing war with Iraq. The National Council of Churches and its 36 member denominations have backed similar protests. President Bush has …

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Continuing Attacks on the ChaldoAssyrians of Iraq

(AINA) — An armed group under the leadership of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) attacked Mr. Behnam Habib Ayub Habash. Mr. Habash is in charge of the office for selling land in the area of Hamdaniya in northern Iraq. The armed assailants accused Mr. Habash of registering land in the …

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