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Syrien will heute mit Truppenabzug beginnen

Nach dem steigenden internationalen Druck soll der Abzug der syrischen Soldaten aus dem Libanon heute beschlossen werden. In Damaskus trete der syrisch-libanesische Oberste Rat zusammen, um den vom syrischen Präsidenten Baschar el Assad angekündigten syrischen Truppenabzug aus Libanon formell zu beschließen. Danach werde die Rückverlegung der syrischen Truppen beginnen, sagte …

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Assyrians Protest in front of United Nations Building

(ZNDA: New York)  On Saturday, 19 February, Assyrians of from several East Coast associations – including members of the Connecticut’s United Assyrian Association of Massachusetts, the Assyrian Ladies Association, the Ashur Assyrian American Association, and the Assyrian National Association gathered in front of the United Nations Building in New York …

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H.E. Mor Yulius Y. ?i?ek & Sabri Atman about the SEYFO

Nearly 500 avid Assyrians (Suryoye) attend a Seyfo lecture on Sunday the 20th of February 2005 at the St. Kuryakos Church in Enschede, the Netherlands. This historical lecture was an initiative of St. Kuryakos Church committee. The honorary guest speakers were: His Eminence Mor Yulius Y. ?i?ek, Archbishop of Central …

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P? l?rdag den 5 mars kl 13.00 h?lls en bred manifestation f?r kidnappade Minas Ibrahim Al Yousifi i Stockholm vid Norrmalmstorg. Samtliga politiska partier i Sveriges riksdag kommer att vara f?retr?dda vid manifestationen. Minas Ibrahim Al Yousifi ?r svensk medborgare som ?terv?nde till Irak efter Saddam Husseins fall, f?r att …

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The persecution of the Christians

STOCKHOLM Every day we hear about suicide bombings and kidnappings in Iraq. Most people are probably not aware, however, that the continued existence of one of the country’s oldest minorities, the Christian community, is also threatened. These Christians, nearly one million strong and known as the Chaldo-Assyrians, are in urgent …

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LOCAL Assyrians joined 200 people in a demonstration outside the American Consulate and State Parliament on Monday.   Secretary of the Assyrian Universal Alliance?s Australia Chapter, Hermiz Shahen of Bossley Park, said the alliance is horrified of news their countrymen have were prevented by Kurdish forces from voting in the …

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Official Letter to australian Prime Minister John Howard

The ChaldoAssyrianSyriac Nation (election group) Australia PO Box 344 Fairfield 2165 Sydney, Australia   The Honourable John Howard Prime Minister Australia PO Box 336 Gladesville, NSW 2111   Dear Sir We, the ChaldoAssyrian community of Australia, would like to voice our concern regarding the recent election in Iraq, which has …

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Hear our voice, count our vote…: Demonstration in Sydney

Its 10 minutes past 11 on a beautiful Monday morning on the 14th of February. A handful of Assyrian activists, a long with The Hon. David Clarke MLC are standing outside the American consulate in Sydney, waiting and wondering that if a peaceful demonstration to protest against the prevention of …

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