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The Syrian National Front

The who’s who ( 1 / 2 ) ALL4SYRIA- with cooperation with Syria Today –July 2005 The right of the Ba’ath Party to lead the state and country is written into Article 8 of the Syrian constitution. That’s not to say there aren’t other political organisations working. Here Syria Today …

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Four dilemmas in Iraqi Constitution

Four dilemmas in Iraqi Constitution Some members of the committee for drafting the Iraqi constitution from the “Shiite Coalition” slate, who are members of the National Assembly, said that approximately 80% of the Iraqi permanent constitution has been achieved. These statements came after the announcement of including what was called …

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Iraq draft constitution fails to protect religious, human rights, USCIRF says

WASHINGTON- BPDrafts of Iraq?s permanent constitution are a retreat from the religious and human rights protections in its transitional charter, the United States Commission on International Freedom has noted.The draft constitution, which Iraqi legislators are scheduled to complete Aug. 15, fails to mention freedom of religion and does not guarantee …

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AUA?s Needed Change at A Moment of National Urgency

Assyrians who still harbor some hope for positive developments in the future of their cause turned their attention to London the second weekend of Tammuz. This was in order to receive some signals of change from an important congress of the Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUA) and ascertain how AUA might …

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Truck bombing at Baghdad police station kills 22

BAGHDAD- AFPTwenty-two people were killed and 25 wounded when a suicide bomber blew up a truck full of explosives outside a police station in Baghdad. “The bodies of the victims, many of whom were policemen, were completely burnt by the blast,” an interior ministry official said.Around 22 cars, 10 shops …

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Egypt sweeps Sinai for attackers after resort carnage

SHARM EL-SHEIKH( Egypt)- AFPEgypt launched a vast manhunt after the multiple bombings in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh that killed 88 people and fueled global terror fears after the London attacks.Egypt’s deadliest attacks, that came at the peak of the tourist season and killed at least nine foreigners, …

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Condoleezza Rice en visite ? Ramallah

RAMALLAH- AFPLa secr?taire d’Etat am?ricaine Condoleezza Rice rencontre samedi ? Ramallah les dirigeants palestiniens pour s’assurer que le retrait isra?lien de la bande de Gaza pr?vu ? la mi-ao?t ne soit pas compromis par de nouvelles violences.Mme Rice qui a eu vendredi un entretien avec le Premier ministre isra?lien Ariel …

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75 killed in Egypt Red Sea resort bombings

SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt- AFPAl-Qaeda linked suicide car bombers unleashed a trail of carnage in Egypt’s tourist-packed Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, killing at least 75 people, including foreign tourists.The attacks on the popular Sinai town at the peak of the tourist season were the deadliest in Egypt, topping the …

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Rice presses Palestinians to ensure calm during Gaza pullout

RAMALLAH (West Bank) ? AFPUS Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was holding talks with the Palestinian leadership in a bid to ensure that next month’s Israeli pullout from Gaza is not marred by militant violence.After discussions on Friday with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon about the historic withdrawal of troops …

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