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We Can’t Hand Iraq Over to the Warlords

When Britain ruled Iraq in the 1920s, there were problems, just as now, in bringing all the ethnic and religious groupings in to the political process. At that time it was the Shia Muslims who were left outside – not least because their religious leaders refused to meet face-to-face with …

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Assyrian Youth Meets German Chancellor, Discuss Genocide

(ZNDA: Cologne)  Banibal Atman, a 16-year-old Assyrian from Germany, met with the Chancellor Gerhard Schr?der recently and used the opportunity to discuss the role of Turkish government in the 1915 Seyfo Genocide. Banibal presented Mr. Schr?der a pen on which the following phrase was inscribed: “Turkey should recognzie the Assyrian …

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Letter of the Coalition for a united, democratic Iraq

His Excellency, Mr. Jalal Talabani, President of the Republic of Iraq The Honorable Dr. Ibrahim Al Jaafari, Prime Minister The Honorable Dr. Hajim Mahdi Al Husni, President of the National Assembly Samahat Al-Sheik Dr. Humam Al Hamoudi, Chariman of the Constitution Committee Greetings, Our people (Chaldean Assyrian Syriac) are the …

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Plea for Assyrian Christians and Iraqi minorities

As world attention focuses on the struggle to achieve a balance of constitutional interests between Kurds, Sunnis and Shias in Iraq, a human rights group is campaigning to draw fresh attention to the serious plight of Assyrian Christians and other minority groups. In a letter to the Guardian newspaper in …

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Christian enclave ties future to life outside Iraq

ANKAWA, Iraq (Reuters) – It looks much like any other Iraqi town, until you notice the number of shops selling alcohol, the young women walking the streets at night in jeans and tight T-shirts, and the church spires. Ankawa, a town of about 15,000 people just outside the capital of …

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Assyrians Object to the Iraq Nationality Law

Baghdad — The Christian “Assyrian democratic Movement” has objected to the project of the law of “granting Iraqi nationality”, which has been discussed by the constitution drafting committee, as it refers to returning the nationality to the displaced and immigrants, only as of 1963. Assyrian Objection to the Nationality Law …

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Assembly faces 18 difficult steps

The mood is tense among the 71 members of the constitutional assembly attempting to draft a new constitution for Iraq before an August 15 deadline. A series of stumbling blocks has delayed the work of the assembled politicians, prime among the obstacles being religion and federalism. In all, 18 unresolved …

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Assyrian concerns and the Iraqi Constitution

USA- AUAThe constitution of Iraq must recognize and include the Assyrian Nation as a third principal nation within the political frame of the Republic of Iraq.   The Constitution of Iraq must stress that Iraqi people be comprised of Arabs, Kurds, Assyrians, Turcomans and others.   The constitution of Iraq …

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Nina Shea: Rule of law, rule of Islam

The right to dissent. The right to practice religion. The right of women to be equal. All basic human rights, but Iraq’s new constitution isn’t likely to recognize any of them. 12:03 AM CDT on Thursday, August 4, 2005 Negotiations over Iraq’s permanent constitution are heading toward founding a state …

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