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?V?ra br?ders st?nande och lidande g?r att vi gl?mmer vilan? AV: Chamoun Danho I slutet av 1800-t och i b?rjan av 1900-t framtr?dde flera assyriska stora m?n och deras g?rningar har berikat spr?ket, musiken och andra omr?den. Den mest framtr?dande av dem var Naum Faik (1868-1930) och hans fr?msta uppgift …

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Assyrian College Student Murdered In Mosul

Mosul- ZNDA? She was running errands after leaving the local internet office when Anita Tyadors, 21, an Assyrian college student, was murdered by roaming thugs in the Zohoor region of Mosul, Iraq on August 5, 2005. Ms. Tyadors was targeted by Muslim extremists because she studied and spoke English and …

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Abone Toma

                                                                       Kral G?lgam?? ??yle dedi Tavernac? Siduri?ye                                                                        Benimle birlikte bunca tehlikeye g???s germi?                                                                        Can dostumu                                                                        Benimle birlikte bunca tehlikeye g???s germi?                                                                        Can dostum Enkidu?yu                                                                        B?t?n insanlar?n ka??n?lmaz kaderi                                                                        ?l?m yere ?ald?                                                                        Alt? g?n yedi gece g?zya?? d?kt?m onun i?in                                                                        Ve raz? …

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Kurdish Reprisal Attacks Against Assyrian Christians in Iraq

AINA) — Assyrian protests against the proposed Iraqi constitution (English, Arabic) have resulted in deadly reprisal attacks against Assyrian Christian civilians by forces loyal to Masoud Barazani, the tribal chieftain of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). On August 24, several hundred Assyrian (also known as Chaldean and Syriac) protestors demonstrated …

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Emotional Funeral for Assyrian Murdered By Kurds in Iraq

Bartilla, North Iraq (AINA) — In an intensely emotional procession, approximately 1000 Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs) marched in the funeral of Matthew Simon (Mattai Shamoun) Zora Sha’ya, who was murdered on August 26 by Kurds. On August 26 37 year old Nabil Akram Ammona, a resident of …

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Iraqi Christians Have Doubts About Religious Freedom

Mosul (AsiaNews) — Christians in Iraq are optimistic about the new constitutional text, but hope for the improvement of certain points in which the principles of Islam (one of the sources of law) and those of democracy seem to contrast, particularly in terms of the full respect of religious freedom: …

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Assyrians Join Sunnis in Opposition to Iraq’s Draft Constitution

AINA) — The draft of Iraq’s constitution (English excerpts, Arabic) was submitted three minutes before the midnight deadline on Monday, August 22nd. It is a historic document for Iraq and may — if ratified — become the most influential document produced in the Middle East in the last one hundred …

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New Iraq constitution must protect Christians

The fate of millions of Iraqis hangs in the balance as politicians appear poised to introduce a new constitution for the country. This constitution represents freedom for the Iraqi people from more than 30 years of oppression and injustice under the Ba’ath Party and marks the birth of a new …

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