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Conference: The Genocide in the Ottoman Empire 1915/16 – Report

More Pictures by esamedia.se (ZNDA: Stockholm)? On Tuesday 15 November around 300 students, journalists, scholars and other interested people gathered in Stockholm for the conference on the Assyrian and Armenian Genocide of 1915, also known as Seyfo (Assyrian word for sword). The conference was organised by the federation of Sweden’s …

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NTV Yay?n Kuruluna

17 Kas?m 2005 tarihinde yay?nlad???n?z ?ROJ TV Ermeni Konferans?nda? adl? haberin ger?ekleri yans?tmad???n? belirtmek isteriz. Ciddi bir TV kanal? olarak g?rd???m?z NTV?nin b?ylesi ?arpt?r?lm?? yalan bir haberi yay?nlaman?z bizleri ?zm??t?r. Konferansta ROJ TV bulunmuyordu, bulunan kamera, Konferans? d?zenleyen kurumlar?n ar?ivlerinde bulunmas? amac?yla yap?lan konu?malar? ?ekmi?tir.   Yap?lan ?ekimlerden hem ?sve?, …

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GENERAL OVERVIEW   After the 17th December turning point when EU promised Turkey to give a date for negotiations for membership, the seemingly rapid progress towards democratisation started to slow down and gradually came to a stop altogether, with the military taking a very aggressive stance in the Kurdish issue …

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Priests Say Iraqi Christians Now Victims of Extortion, Death

ROME (CNS) — Some Christians in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul have become the victims of extortion as unknown terrorist groups threaten to kill them or kidnap family members if they do not pay large sums of cash, said two Iraqi priests. One 43-year-old Christian man, married with three …

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The Assyrian and Armenian Genocides of 1915

The genocide of Assyrians in Ottoman Turkey remains one of the darker pages in contemporary accounts of the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Despite the fact that Assyrian Christians were exterminated alongside Armenians, the world hears much less of the Assyrian factor. Some commentators even state that Ottoman Greeks and Kurds …

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How Long Before Europe Falls to Muslims?

Liberals in America are trying to take over the White House and dictate to a sitting president who should be on his personal staff. The media follows the president to foreign soil to hound him about “Plamegate,” and all the while, parts of Europe are coming unglued. The liberal media …

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Witnesses Describe Ballot Fraud in Nineveh

WASHINGTON, Nov 4 (IPS) – Reports compiled by the U.S. military in Iraq from its informants and by non-governmental organisations from independent Iraqi sources provide the first detailed picture of a campaign of ballot fraud by Kurdish authorities in Nineveh province, the key to the outcome of the Oct. 15 …

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An American’s View of Iraq’s Assyrians

AINA) — I am a volunteer American serving my nation in Iraq. While here, I have had the opportunity to visit most regions of this country, and I have many months service training and serving with Iraqi forces. During my time, I have met many Chaldo-Assyrian people and consider them …

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PRESS RELEASE: Metropolitan Julius Jesuh? ?i?ek passed

PRESS RELEASE Losser, 31st of October 2005 On Saturday the 29th of October 2005 His Eminence Metropolitan Julius Jesuh? ?i?ek passed away. He was appointed as the Metropolitan of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch in Middle Europe ince 1979. His demise happened while he was on his way from …

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