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An Iraqi Family’s Last Christmas in Germany?

By Bryony Jones   The Toma family, Christians from Iraq, have long enjoyed asylum from the violence in their homeland. Now, however, the German authorities are planning to send them back. Violence and danger await them back home.       SPIEGEL ONLINE The Toma family from Iraq may soon …

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EU Commission on a mission to protect the Assyrians of Iraq

By AssyriaTimes Staff Writer Ever since the fall of Saddam?s regime in 2003, various Human Rights organizations have been active in Iraq to help the poor, the needy, and the victims. Although these services are very much appreciated by the Iraqi laymen, they have not been successful enough to stop …

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T.C. ?nsan Haklar? Komisyonu Ba?kan??na

Say?n Mehmet Elkatm??   T?rkiye?nin Avrupa Birli?iyle tam ?yelik i?in m?zakerelere ba?lad??? bug?nlerde T?rkiye?ye d?nen Asur/S?ryanilere bask? ve ?iddet sald?r?lar? t?m h?z?yla devam etmektedir.   Daha ?nceki yaz??ma ve g?r??melerimizde, T?rkiye?de ya?ayan veya Avrupa?dan d?nen Asur-S?ryanilerin s?k?nt?lar?n? defalarca dile getirmemize ra?men devlet ve komisyonunuz taraf?ndan ?nlem al?nmad?.   9 Aral?k …

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FUNOYO- the Assyrian magazine has been published!

The time is ripe for a new Assyrian magazine! This magazine should act as a platform for exchange of information and for professional discussion within our community. With the content of this magazine, with different categories, the identification with our nation, culture and our home country shall be supported and …

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Christians have no voice in new Iraq government

Local Chaldeans hope they can make difference with vote. PUBLISHED: December 13, 2005 By Chad SelweskiMacomb Daily Staff Writer Macomb County Chaldeans are concerned that this week’s Iraqi elections, including absentee ballots cast from the United States, could leave their Christian bloc with a minimal voice in Iraq’s new government. …

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Turkey’s religious communities need fundamental reform of their stat

COMMENTARY: Turkey’s religious communities need fundamental reform of their status By Dr. Otmar Oehring, head of the human rights office of Missio Long-running attempts to improve the Law on Foundations, which includes provisions governing “community foundations” which own property on behalf of non-Muslim religious/ethnic communities, are not the way to …

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Great Interest Displayed at Seyfo Conference in Vienna

? Vienna- ZNDA? Almost weekly, conferences and public discussions on the Seyfo Genocide of 1915 perpetrated by the Ottoman (Turkish) government, have been held in cities across the world, mainly in Europe. Different magazines and media outlets have also been keeping the public informed of the protests around the world. …

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AUA – Declaration: Plea to Assyrian Voters

As we approach the date, December 15, 2005, of coming parliamentarian elections in Iraq, Iraqi voters, including our Assyrian people, will elect a new Iraqi National Assembly, which will plan the future of Iraq for the coming four years. The importance of the coming elections is that the new assembly …

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Assyrians and the Iraqi National Elections of December 15

Fred AprimCalifornia Introduction People sometimes ask me, why do you bother wasting so much time writing articles when people do not even care? First, I tell them, the time I put into these articles is an investment and never a wasted time. Second, our people do care; but they show …

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