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Attentats contre des églises à Bagdad et Kirkouk

Le 29 janvier 2006 Presse Canadienne Des voitures piégées ont explosé dans un court intervalle de temps dimanche devant au moins quatre églises de Bagdad et de Kirkouk, dans le nord de l’Irak, tuant au moins trois Irakiens et en blessant neuf, selon la police. Le colonel Birhan Taha a …

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Muslim Militants Threaten Christians and Europeans

By Julie StahlCNSNews.com Jerusalem Bureau ChiefFebruary 02, 2006 Jerusalem (CNSNews.com) – Palestinian militants angry over the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed in European newspapers issued threats against Europeans on Thursday, while a Christian group said there may be a link between the Danish cartoons and a recent wave …

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Muhammedbildernas f?rsta d?dsoffer

Sverige- expressen: Nu har de danska avbildningarna av profeten Muhammed sk?rdat sitt f?rsta liv. En person d?dades och fjorton skadades allvarligt n?r bomber briserade utanf?r sex kyrkor i Bagdad och Kirkuk p? s?ndagsmorgonen. Orsaken till attentaten ?r Jyllands-Postens teckningar av profeten Muhammed. Flera islamistiska organisationer har uppmanat till h?mndaktioner gentemot …

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Bombs kill 20 Iraqis, target churches, US TV anchorman hurt

Baghdad- AFP: At least 20 Iraqis were killed in rebel attacks and bombings, including six coordinated car bombs set off near churches, while a roadside bombing wounded a US television news anchor and his cameraman. The latest rebel attacks Sunday came as the trial of ousted president Saddam Hussein was …

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Bombs Target Four Iraqi Churches; 3 Dead

AP – January 29, 2006 Car bombs exploded in a synchronized spree of attacks outside at least four churches in Baghdad and the northern city of Kirkuk within a shortperiod, killing at least three Iraqis and wounding nine, police said.Col. Birhan Taha said that three civilians were killed and one …

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Bombs Target Four Iraqi Churches; 3 Dead

Baghdad- AP: ?Car bombs exploded in a synchronized spree of attacks outside at least four churches in Baghdad and the northern city of Kirkuk within a short period, killing at least three Iraqis and wounding nine, police said. Col. Birhan Taha said that three civilians were killed and one wounded …

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Seyfo: at the House of Commons

 Firodil Institute7 Dolphin RoadLondon UB5 6UQ 24 January 2006 Contact Person: Andrew Michael Pending a more comprehensive report, this is a brief report about the event which took place at the House of Commons earlier today, namely, Seyfo: The Assyrian Genocide, Ankara?s Denial and our Collective Responsibility. The event was …

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The Boomerang Effect in Iraq: If ‘Kurdistan’, Why Not Assyria?

Arguably ‘Kurdistan’ already enjoying de facto independence; and the powerful Kurdish statelet in Iraq provides, under Massoud Barzani’s rule, an example for other long-neglected minorities in the region of Northern Mesopotamia. Could the example of the increasingly independent Kurds in Iraq presage further rounds of ethnic discord and state fragmentation …

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