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Assyrian Genocide on The Liberal Party’s Agenda in Sweden

AINA) — The Liberal Party and The Liberal Youth Federation in Sweden organized a seminar on the Assyrian genocide on the 18th February, which attracted closer to 100 persons at Telge Forum in the “Assyrian” city of S?dert?lje. This is a step in the work of raising the Seyfo issue …

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Press release about Turkich Berlin manifestation

Translated from the Turkish original by EasternStar News Agency A large Turkish manifestation was planned in Berlin for the coming weekend, 18 ? 19 March 2006, under the watchword ?Bring the flag and come to Berlin?. The manifestation, which was subsidized by the Turkish government, has now been stopped by …

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Seyfo inkarc?lar? hak ettikleri yan?t? Almanya?da ald?lar!!!

??venistlerin y?r?y??? yasakland?   Almanya’n?n ba?kenti Berlin’de 15-19 Mart tarihleri aras?nda, Rauf Denkta?, Do?u Perin?ek ba?ta olmak ?zere di?er t?rk ??venistlerinin yapaca?? y?r?y?? ve etkinlikler yasakland?. Berlin Emniyet M?d?r??n?n ald??? karar alman ve t?rk bas?n?nda yer ald?. Y?r?y??, 1915 Soyk?r?m? kurbanlar?n?n an?s?na sayg?s?zl?k olaca?? gerek?esiyle yasakland?. Gerek?enin bu ?ekilde g?sterilmi? …

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Conversations with the Assyrians of Mardin

By Mehmet Kalyoncu In this insightful essay reflecting on a recent trip to Turkey?s often ignored southeast, Turkish scholar Mehmet Kalyoncu makes the case for why the national interest lies with improving the rights of religious minorities such as the Assyrian Christians. Assyrian Metropolitan Samuel Aktas was anxiously pacing back …

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US to aid Syrian democracy groups

  Ms Rice has also requested funds to back dissidents in Iran The US has announced it is to give $5m (?2.87m) in grants to pro-democracy groups in Syria. The funds are aimed at “accelerating the work of reformers”, a State Department statement said. A website has been set up …

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The Mohammad caricatures are an alarm clock

In some of the media in the Moslem world they jeer at, or ridicule Jesus, Moses, Buddha or some other prophet almost every day.  I have never heard that anyone spit on, trampled or burned the flags of Arab nations because of this.  The religion that western society is based …

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