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*Tanya Benjamin Los Angeles- California- Zinda:- worldwide readership have voted and the results are published in its April 22, 2006 issue announcing NURI KINO as the ?ASSYRIAN OF THE YEAR 6755? and ROSIE MALEK-YONAN?S THE CRIMSON FIELD, as the ?EVENT OF THE YEAR 6755.? Zinda Magazine: ?For his life-long dedication …

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ADO Political Bureau: Easter Congratulations

Syrian- ADO: On the occasion of Easter the Assyrian Democratic Organization extends its warmest greetings and congratulations to our Assyrian Syriac Chaldean people in the homeland and Diaspora, as well as to our national and religious establishments, wishing all success, happiness and well being. It further extends special congratulations and …

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Margareta Viklund: An Open Letter to the Ambassador of Syria

Your Excellency Mr. Mohammed Bassam Imadi, As of today no one knows how many persons have been sent to the Syrian prisons without trials and sentences. The families of the prisoners are not informed on how their imprisoned relatives are treated, if they have been tortured or, sometimes, if they …

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European Parliament, a Friend for Assyrians

(European Parliament Strasbourg) — In a session devoted to Human Rights, in Darfur, Iraq and Egypt, a resolution was passed on the situation of the Assyrians in Iraq. Patrons of the Save the Assyrians campaign Glyn Ford MEP and Dr Charles Tannock MEP, who were accompanied by Andy Darmoo, also …

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SVTs Assyriska – landslag utan land fick Guldpalmen

Beverly Hills: F?r f?rsta g?ngen n?gonsin har en skandinavisk dokument?rfilm kommit till final i Beverly Hills Filmfestival, och dessutom vunnit. Bland n?rmare 1300 bidrag har SVTs dokument?rserie Assysriska – landslag utan land vunnit Guldpalmen.– Assyriska-serien ?r unik eftersom vi ber?ttar om v?rldspolitik, historia och religion utifr?n ett litet fotbollslag i …

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Speech of Habib Afram:To stand up I need, like a tree, the deepness of roots and the vastness of the sky

Presentation by Habib Afram, President of the Syriac LeagueDelivered on Friday 17 March 2006University of IstanbulMr. ChairmanDistinguished ParticipantsDear guests from Mesopotamian Cultural Association in Istanboul.Let me start by presenting to the University of Istanboul a book on our living cultural heritage entitled Tourabdin.As a token of respect and appreciation.This is …

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General Georges Sada

Colonel Buzz Patterson: General Sada is quite an amazing man. There was a time in my life as an Air Force pilot back in the first Gulf War, we were looking out of my cockpit window, on my radar, into Iraqi airspace. General Sada was my enemy. I thought at …

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Assyrian Territory in Iraq: Sign the Petition of Cardonline

Acts of violence committed against the Assyrians1 by Kurds and Islamic fundamentalists have necessitated the exodus of tens of thousands of Iraqi-Assyrians post-liberation. More than half a million Assyrians were disenfranchised during both electoral periods as a direct result of the blockade imposed by the Kurdistan Democratic Party on Assyrian …

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