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ADO calls for the release of Michel Kilo and his other friends

ADO calls for the release of Michel Kilo and his other friends, signatories of Damascus ?Beirut Declaration ???? Europe- ADO: In this very delicate period of the Syrian history, as the country is facing tremendous challenges and pressures from outside, and while the Syrian people is looking forward to real …

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The Genocide of 1915: Hypocrisy as a Cornerstone of the Kurdish Narrative

Abdulmesih BarAbrahamGermanyI much appreciated Nuri Kino?s guest editorial appearing in the May 6, 2006 issue of Zinda Magazine, and his perceptive comments about Kurdish selective amnesia. Nuri draws from personal encounters in Sweden (where he currently lives), and other exchanges in the course of his travels to Hasno Kifo (Hasankeyf, …

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Lost Page in History, Finally Discovered

Tragedy, loss and prejudice are only a few words we can use to describe what the Assyrian and Armenian Christians suffered at the hands of the Turkish Government. Only now, ninety-one years after these murders, violations and acts of inhumanity took place, has this dark period in history come to …

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Mr. Yonadam Kanna survives assasination attempt

Reports from our contacts in Baghdad say that there was an unsuccessful assasination attempt on Rabi Yonadam Kanna, leader of the Assyrian Democratic Movement (ZOWAA) on 6 May 2006 at approx 12 noon.We believe a roadside device was triggered and a vehicle behind Rabi Yonadam was blown up. Rabi Yonadam …

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Assyrian Genocide: Seyfo 1915: The Missing Chapter of Ottoman History

PRESS RELEASE Wednesday 10th May 2006 6pm Assyrian GenocideSeyfo 1915: The Missing Chapter of Ottoman History   The Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre SCHOOL Of ORIENTAL and AFRICAN STUDIES Thornaugh St Russell Square London WC1H 0XG The genocide of over 750,000 Assyrian Christians at the hands of the Ottoman Empire in …

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Turkiska parlamentets talman, B?lent Arin?, kommer till Sveriges riksdag den 9 maj 2006 f?r att tala om Turkiets utrikespolitik. Kr?nkningar av m?nskliga r?ttigheter mot assyrier-syrianer-kald?er forts?tter i Turkiet precis som f?rr. D?rf?r har vi undertecknade beslutat att vi skall protestera och demonstrera mot hans bes?k och kr?va: -STOPPA KONFISKATIONERNA AV …

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Assyrians Face Escalating Abuses in “New Iraq”

Lisa Söderlindh UNITED NATIONS, May 3 (IPS) – The longstanding persecution of ethnic minorities in Iraq is quietly writing the end chapter to Iraqi Assyrian history: if the world doesn’t wake up to the plight of this people, they will soon be shoved through the door of extinction, warn patrons …

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Internationell solidaritet och r?ttvisa f?r assyrierna!

Zweden- ADO:- Arbetarr?relsen v?rlden ?ver samlas ?ter igen f?r demonstrationer den 1 maj. I m?nga l?nder ?r denna m?jlighet bara ?n s? l?nge en dr?m, ty yttrande- och demonstrationsfriheten ?r fortfarande begr?nsad p? m?nga h?ll. Likas? ?r de ekonomiska och social or?ttvisorna l?ngt ifr?n l?sta. Fattigdomen ?r s?ledes ett problem …

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