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The End of Christianity in Iraq

The news from Iraq has been especially grim of late. Daily it seems violent death is everywhere in the form of car bombings at mosques and other public facilities, ethnic cleansing carried out by militias roving about the streets seeking victims, even soldiers and police doubling as sectarian enforcers. The …

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Twelve days have passed and the horrible war and military aggression waged by Israel as a collective punishment against the people of Lebanon continues. Israel has systematically targeted civilians, roads, bridges, airport, ambulances and trucks carrying food supplies or medicines. The infrastructure of Lebanon is periodically targeted. Lebanon is under …

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Kurdish Militia, Iraqi Police Terrorizing Assyrians in North Iraq

AINA) — Attacks against Assyrian Christian civilians (also known as Syriacs and Chaldeans) residing in the Nineveh Plain, north Iraq, have recently escalated at the hands of local Iraqi police as well as Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) paramilitary security squads. On June 30, 2006 three Iraqi Police loyal to the …

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3000 Chaldeans Seek Better Life in Lebanon

Courtesy of ADN Kronos International6 June 2006 (ZNDA: Beirut) Impoverished and living in Lebanon illegally – many of the 3,000 Iraqi Chaldean Christians who have fled their homeland now dream of a better future abroad with Australia the most desired destination. Most of the refugees left Iraq in the wake …

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“Speaking with One Voice”:1915 Genocide Commemoration in Germany

By Abdulmesih BarAbraham reporting from Germany (ZNDA: Munich)  Under the motto ?Speaking with One Voice? the Assyrian Democratic Organisation, the Association of Pontos-Greeks in Munich and the Armenian Council in Germany invited to a commemoration of the anniversary of the genocide of Christians in Turkey. The event took place on …

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Continuing Persecution Renews Calls for Assyrian Safe-Haven in Iraq

(AINA) — Assyrian Christians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs) continue to be targeted within Iraq. Recent attacks have highlighted the varied groups perpetrating the attacks. On March 17, 2006, Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) paramilitaries broke into Mr. Slewo David Simon’s home in Batnaya, a Christian town in Northern Iraq. …

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Prisoners being held without trial in Syria

WRITTEN QUESTION E-1594/06 by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission   Subject:            Prisoners being held without trial in Syria   The Assyrian Democratic Organisation has forwarded me an appeal concerning the situation of Yacoub Hanna Shamoun, who has been held for over 20 years in the Al-Saydnais prison in Syria. …

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ADO? holds political meetings in Paris with Syrian opposition forces

     Europe– ADO: Within the framework of political activities of ADO in Europe, the political bureau ,Europe branch , represented by comrade Abe al-Ahad Stefan and Sa?aid Lahdo, met on Sunday 14/05/2006 in Paris with Mr.Hasan Abed al-Azim the offdicial spokesperson of National Democratic during his visit to France following …

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