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Governmental terror against Christians in Midyat, Turkey

On August 30th, 2006 an unknown man threw a grenade into the house of Mr. Gabro Seven in Midyat, south-eastern Turkey, fortunately the family was not home at the time. According to reliable sources, a police officer named Aytac Tefek is behind what happened and that Tefek has been responsible …

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S?ryaniler T?rkiyenin G?neydo?u B?lgesinde sald?r?ya u?ray?p a??r yaraland? 02.09.2006 28.08.2006 Pazartesi g?n? iki S?ryani-Arami T?rkiyenin g?neydo?usunda kalan Tur Abdin B?lgesinin Midyat il?esinde feodal bir K?rt A?ireti taraf?ndan sald?r?ya u?ray?p, d?v?lerek a??r yaralanm??lard?r. Sald?r?n?n kurbanlar? ?sa Do?an ve Yusuf Ay, Midyat?a yak?n ve S?ryanice ismi Hah olan An?tl? k?y?ndendirler. Sald?r? ?u …

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Midyat’ta Bir S?ryani Ailenin Evine Bomba At?ld?

Bir ba?kay olay daha. ?arsamba 30 augustos 2006 aksam saat 22.00 civar?da midyata Gebro Seven Evine bir el bombas? at?ld? iyiki evde kimse yoktu. Bu sald?r?lar halk?m?za d?zenli bir ?ekilde y?r?t?l?yor. Bize resmi kaynaklardan ula?an haberelere g?re midyat Emniyet m?d?r? Ba? Komisar, Aytac Tefek? taraf?ndan d?zenleniyor. Ba?komiser Aytac yakla??k bir …

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Iraqi FM Encourages Assyrians To Form Own Province

Speaking publicly as well as privately Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari refuted claims that the failure to find Weapons of Mass Destruction meant the war was not justified and encouraged minority Assyrian Christians to return and form their own province in Iraq and help rebuild the nation. Speaking forcefully, at …

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Iraqi Christians Caught in the Crossfire

Iraqi Christians Caught in the Crossfire By Brian Padden Irbil, Iraq23 August 2006The news media often focus on the conflict between Shi?ites and Sunni Muslims in Iraq. But there are other ethnic and religious groups under attack. The small Christian community in Iraq is now finding itself caught in the …

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Assyrians Experience Slow Cultural Revival In Southeastern Turkey

August 18, 06By Yigal Schleiferwww.eurasianet.org Filled with honey-colored stone homes with exquisite relief carvings, Midyat, located in southeast Turkey, is one of the country’s most beautiful ancient towns. It is also one of its most haunted. Once almost exclusively populated by Assyrian Christians — an ancient sect that traces its …

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750,000 Christians Caught in Middle East Crossfire

An estimated 750,000 Christians have been ejected from their homes — and sometimes their own nations — as militant Islamists wage their war on infidels across the Mideast, according to several Christian refugee organizations. In just recent weeks, more than 100,000 Lebanese who are Christian have been forced to flee …

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Benedict XVI Appeals for Release of Priest Kidnapped in Baghdad

Vatican City (AsiaNews) — In a telegram to the Chaldean Patriarch of Baghdad, Benedict XVI has made an appeal for the release of Fr Hanna Saad Syrop, a priest kidnapped on the Feast of the Assumption in Baghdad. The telegram, signed by Secretary of State, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, was issued …

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An Open Letter To President George W. Bush – `I Was There`

Dear President Bush, I just read that you had expressed disappointment with what is happening in Iraq and confusion as to why the Iraqi Government and Iraqi people are not `getting with the plan`. I am an Assyrian Christian, the original people of Iraq, the people of Nineveh to whom …

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