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French MPs Outrage Turkey By Approving Genocide Bill

French MPs have today approved a Bill that makes it a criminal offence to deny that Turkish massacres of Armenians in 1915-17 constituted genocide, causing embarrassment to the French Government and outrage in Turkey. Deputies in the National Assembly voted 106-19 for the bill, which if signed into law, would …

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S?ryani papazin cesedi bulundu

Irak’?n Musul Kenti’nde, hafta ba??nda ka??r?lan S?ryani Ortodoks Papaz Amer ?skender’in ba?? kesilmi? halde cesedi bulundu.Irak’ta ka??r?lan ve serbest b?rak?lmas? i?in ?nce 350 bin dolar, ard?ndan da 35 bin dolar fidye istenen S?ryani Ortodoks Papaz ?skender’in, d?n ak?am saatlerinde Musul’da cesedi bulundu. G?venlik kaynaklar?, Papaz ?skender’in kafas? kesilerek ?ld?r?lm?? oldu?u …

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Organisation and Subsititutionism

Nineb LamassuUnited Kingdom ?A government or a party gets the people it deserves and sooner or later a people gets the government it deserves?. Frantz Fanon In a recent exchange of emails between a friend and I, he wrote, ?Everyone is born patriotic (Umtanaya) and then one joins a political …

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Turkiet st?nger arkiven

04.10.2006 Det finns ett stort behov av klarhet kring h?ndelserna 1915 i ottomanska riket. P? samma g?ng s?ger Turkiet att de inte har n?got att sk?mmas ?ver i sitt f?rflutna. Premi?rminister Erdogan har gett sken av att alla arkiv ?r ?ppna. Samtidigt har Nationella s?kerhetsr?det f?rbjudit lagfartsmyndigheten (Tapu kadastro genel …

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Assyrians were mentioned in EU parliament discussions

Assyrians were mentioned in EU parliament discussions. During the voting on Camiel Eurling?s proposal for a resolution in the EU parliament on Turkey, some Parliamentarians have made it clear that Turkey has to deal with its past and recognize the genocide on the Assyrians, Armenians and Pontic Greeks. The EU …

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REPORT on Turkey’s progress towards EU – accession

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT2004 2009Session documentFINALA6-9999/20068.9.2006REPORTon Turkey’s progress towards accession(2006/2118(INI))Committee on Foreign AffairsRapporteur: Camiel EurlingsCONTENTSMOTION FOR A EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT RESOLUTION —–3OPINION OF THE COMMITTEE ON WOMEN’S RIGHTS AND GENDER EQUALITY —-19PROCEDURE —–22MOTION FOR A EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT RESOLUTIONon Turkey’s progress towards accessionThe European Parliament,? having regard to the Turkey 2005 Progress Report of …

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om Turkiets framsteg p? v?gen mot anslutning

Utskottet f?r utrikesfr?gor F?redragande: Camiel Eurlings F?RSLAG TILL EUROPAPARLAMENTETS RESOLUTIONYTTRANDE fr?n utskottet f?r kvinnors r?ttigheter och j?mst?lldhet mellan kvinnor och m?n?RENDETS G?NGF?RSLAG TILL EUROPAPARLAMENTETS RESOLUTION om Turkiets framsteg p? v?gen mot anslutning(2006/2118(INI))Europaparlamentet utf?rdar denna resolution? med beaktande av kommissionens l?gesrapport om Turkiet 2005 (KOM(2005)0561),? med beaktande av sin resolution av …

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Feature – Fear strikes Iraq’s Christians over Pope words

An Iraqi burns an effigy of Pope Benedict and a Germany flag during a demonstration in Basra city, south of Iraq September 18, 2006. Chanting slogans and burning a white effigy of Pope Benedict, some 150 demonstrators in the Iraqi Shi’ite city of Basra demanded a papal apology on Monday …

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Turkey?s Growing Pain towards EU Accession Print

  Wednesday , 06 September 2006 Emre Ozkan, JTW ? Ankara / The Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament (EP) approved Turkey Report late on September 4th, which was prepared by Christian Democrat MEP Camiel Eurlings. EP, in the report, repeated its call for recognition of so-called Armenian …

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