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Iraq?s Christians Flee as Extremist Threat Worsens

New York Times by Michael Louo BAGHDAD, Oct. 16 ? The blackened shells of five cars still sit in front of the Church of the Virgin Mary here, stark reminders of a bomb blast that killed two people after a recent Sunday Mass. Johan Spanner/Polaris, for The New York Times …

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Patriarch Delly: World has forgotten Iraqi Christians

by Yousef Hourany In the aftermath of the murder of the priest Paulos Eskandar, the Chaldean patriarch denounced the indifference of the international community which, coupled with persecution, threatens to ?empty? the Middle East of its Christian communities. Beirut (AsiaNews) ? Outside interference in Iraq as well as in Syria …

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Iraq?s Anti-Christian Pogroms

Charles Tannock Brussel- Project Syndicate– The world is consumed by fears that Iraq is degenerating into a civil war between Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds. But in this looming war of all against all, it is Iraq?s small community of Assyrian Christians that is at risk of annihilation. Iraq?s Christian communities …

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Demokratik Kamuoyuna, insan haklar?na Sayg?l? t?m T?rkiyelilere!

Soyk?r?m ma?duru halklar?n tehdit ve hakaretlere, fiziksel sald?r?lara, iftira ve a?a??lanmaya, kar?? korunmas?, ma?duriyetten kaynaklanan en temel insan hakk?d?r! Fransa?da bu hakk?n Ermeni halk? i?in de kanunla?t?r?lmas?, ge?te olsa yerinde ve do?ru bir ad?md?r ve desteklenmelidir! Soyk?r?m ma?duru halklar?n hak ve adalet aray??lar? d?nyan?n neresinde olursa olsun en ufak bir …

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Kurdish Militia Attacks Assyrian TV Station in North Iraq

Hamdaniya, North Iraq (AINA) — A group from the Kurdish militia belonging to the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) attacked the Nineveh headquarters of the Assyrian Democratic Movement’s TV station, Ashur TV. The KDP militia forced the TV station staff, including two female news anchors, out of the building and forcibly …

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AINA: Turkey’s European Dagger

AINA) — Nobel Prize in literature to Orhan Pamuk will strongly divide the public opinion in Turkey. His liberalism is more for public consumption to the west of Bosporus strait. The Armenian, Assyrian and Greek Genocide (1915-1917) during the Young Turk government in Ottoman Empire is too well documented to …

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Till Frankrikes ambassad

STORT TACK TILL DET FRANSKA FOLKET!Vi, som ?r efterlevande ?ttlingar till offren och ?verlevande assyrier-kald?er-syrianer, vill tacka det franska folket f?r sitt st?llningstagande att kriminalisera f?rnekande av folkmordet 1915.Heder ?t det franska folket som, trots m?nga hotelser om bojkott fr?n Turkiet, klart tagit st?llning.Vi tror att Ert st?llningstagande kommer att …

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500 Attend Funeral of Beheaded Assyrian Priest in North Iraq

The relatives of a Christian priest who was kidnapped and beheaded in Iraq have said that his Muslim captors had demanded his church condemn the pope’s recent comments about Islam and pay a US$350,000 ransom. They were speaking as more than 500 people attended a memorial service on Thursday for …

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