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Official: Saddam to be executed tonight

? By CHRISTOPHER TORCHIA and QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA Baghdad- AP— The witnesses to Saddam Hussein’s impending execution gathered Friday in Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone in final preparation for his hanging, as state television broadcast footage of his regime’s atrocities. A top Iraqi official said Saddam will be executed before 6 a.m. …

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Turkey, Assyrian Mass Graves and the Three Monkeys

Stockholm — Approximately two months ago a mass grave with remains after murdered Assyrians was found outside the village of Dara in south-eastern Turkey. The remains are from some of the Assyrians that were murdered by the Turkish military and by local Kurdish clans during the genocide against the Assyrians …

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New Target for Islamists in Iraq: Assyrian University Students

Mosul, Iraq (AINA) — An unidentified Islamic group placed flyers at the Student Union at Mosul University, the flyers contained messages directed at Assyrian (also known as Chaldean and Syriac) students and were placed in areas where Assyrian students congregate. Witnesses report that University security men observed the men placing …

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Kein Abrei?en des Fl?chtlingsstroms aus dem Irak

BAGDAD/K?NIGSTEIN, 7. Dezember 2006 (ZENIT.org).- Die Auswanderung aus dem Irak h?lt unvermindert an. Nach Sch?tzungen des Fl?chtlingskommissariats der Vereinten Nationen (UNHCR) haben aufgrund der Gewalt zwischen den Bev?lkerungsgruppen inzwischen 1,8 Millionen Iraker ihr Land verlassen; in Syrien halten sich demnach mindestens 600.000 Iraker auf. Die Zahl der Binnenfl?chtlinge, also jener …

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Sadr Followers Target Assyrian School Girls in Baghdad

Baghdad (AINA) — Followers of Moqtada al-Sadr have issued a fatwa1 concerning school girls, according to an Assyrian priest in Baghdad. The fatwa requires all girls to wear the veil while attending school. In an unusual twist of logic, the fatwa implies that failure to wear the veil would be …

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Assyrian Delegation At the European Parliament

Brussels (AINA) — On initiative of the Assyrian magazine Funoyo a meeting took place in the EU-Parliament in Brussels on Wednesday, November 29th, 2006. At the invitation of Mechthild Rothe (SPD, Social Democratic Party Germany) an official assembly had been appointed, at which other Members of the European Parliament took …

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Britain, Iraq and the Assyrians: The Nine Demands

When Britain ‘s mandate of Iraq was to end in November 1932, the Assyrians were concerned about their minority status in the future independent Iraqi State. The Assyrians were hoping that Britain would support the establishment of an enclave for them in the north that would give them autonomy in …

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