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David Gaunt: Press Release about Mass-grave in Mardin

 27 February 2007  Re: Mass-grave in Mardin Two weeks ago Prof. Dr. Yusuf Halaçoðu, head of the Turkish Historical Society, challenged me in Turkish media to give him an answer about a joint investigation of the mass-grave found last October in Mardin province. I answered him immediately proposing the period …

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Özel-AP’de ‘sözde Süryani Soykýrýmý’ konferansý

Brüksel’de Avrupa Parlamentosu AP’de 26 Mart’ta ”Assyrian Genocide (SEYFO) Genocide, Denial, and the Right of Recognition”, baþlýðý altýnda bir konferans düzenlenecek. Konferansa konuþmacý olarak katýlacaklar arasýnda Avrupa Parlamentosu ikinci baþkaný, Mechtild Rothe,Avrupa ve Skandinavya Sol ve Yeþiller Partisi Partisi Grubu (GUE/NGL) adýna, Eva-Britt Svensson, Sabri Atman SEYFO CENTER, AP üyesi …

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Assyrian Journalist Receives Death Threats

Who is responsible for the security of journalists and freedom of speech? How many truths about criminal activity are hidden behind self-censorship? I have kept quiet long enough now. It’s just gone too far. My family is worried and I am considering more and more whether to quit my work …

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Press release: Mardin Mass Graves Revisited

February 12, 2006 David Gaunt   In the Autumn of 2006 villagers in Kuru (previously known as Harabe Baba) between Mardin and Nusaybin discovered a mass grave in a cave. They identified the victims as “Armenians from 1915” and added that they had found similar mass graves previously. A few …

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Hrant Dink: The last article

Hrant Dink (19 Ocak 2007) AGOS Sayý: 564The ‘dove skittishness’ of my soul In the beginning I was not concerned about the investigation initiated by Þiþli Public Prosecutor under the pretext “insulting Turkish identity”. This was not for the first time. I was familiar with a similar case from Urfa. …

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Aranz Hrantin Hima Turkiya Avelimute

Yelda Özcan Shad dhurem. Zavakzutyun. Aranz Hrantin hima Türkiya shad shad mut e, aveli mut e. Türk, müslüman kökenliyseniz ve Ermenilere düþman kampta yer almýyorsanýz size kalan hep tek sözcüklü bir iki cümle oluyor: Üzgünüm, utanýyorum, özür dilerim. Hrant Dink öldürüldü. Bu vahþi cinayetin kalleþ, korkak katilleri ve bu cinayeti …

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NURİ FIRATYeni yıla girerken, 2006’dan kalan en ?nemli g?ndemlerden bir tanesi hi? kuşkusuz Mardin’in Nusaybin il?esine bağlı Xirab?baba (Kuru) k?y?nde 17 Ekim’de k?yl?lerce ortaya ?ıkarılan toplu mezar oldu. Toplu mezar 2007’nin de en ?nemli g?ndemleri arasında yer alacak. ??nk? ortada ciddi iddialar var ve h�l� incelenmemiş bir toplu mezar s?z …

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