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Iraqi Christians Under Threat in Baghdad

By Ahmad Jumaa Bagdad – Azzman — Iraqi Christians are fleeing their areas particularly in the restive quarters of Baghdad despite the ongoing U.S. and Iraqi military operations to bring stability to the city. In the violent district of Doura, for example, all the remaining Christians have received written warnings …

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Assyrian Genocide May Be Taught in Stockholm Schools

 Stockholm – AIN — Schools in Stockholm might soon become the first in the world to teach the Assyrian (also known as Chaldean and Syriac) genocide in history lessons. The decision to make this happen was taken during the annual meeting of the Social democratic district of Stockholm on the …

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Jandarma fotoðrafýndan tarih yazmýþlar

Elif GörgüMardin’de bulunan kemiklerin 1914’e deðil Romalýlara ait olduðunu “kanýtlayan” rapor, jandarmanýn çektiði fotoðraflardan yazýlmýþ.Nusaybin’in Kuru (Xirebêbaba) köyünde utanca dönüþen “toplu mezar araþtýrmasýnda” yeni bir skandal daha… Nusaybin’in Kuru (Xirebêbaba) köyünde utanca dönüþen “toplu mezar araþtýrmasýnda” yeni bir skandal daha… Türk Tarih Kurumu (TTK) Baþkaný Prof. Dr. Yusuf Halaçoðlu’nun, kemiklerin …

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Toplu mezar buharlaþtý!

Elif GörgüMardin Nusaybin’de bulunan toplu mezardaki kemikler ortadan kayboldu. Ýsveçli Prof. Gaunt, analiz için örnek almayý reddetti Mardin’in Nusaybin ilçesinde köylüler tarafýndan bulunan toplu mezarý incelemek için Türk Tarih Kurumu (TTK) Baþkaný Prof. Dr. Yusuf Halaçoðlu ile Ýsveçli tarihçi Prof. David Gaunt, mezarýn bulunduðu Kuru köyünde dün incelemelerde bulundu. Ancak …

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Turkey Destroys Evidence of Assyrian Genocide

 Dara(Turkey) – ESNA — The mass grave found on the 17th of October 2006 outside the village of Dara in southeastern Turkey has been emptied of all remnants of bodies. When the mass grave was found the news agency DIHA took many pictures which showed a heap of skeletons in …

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ADO: Declaration on the withdrawal From parliamentary elections

 Syria – ADO — The Assyrian Democratic Organization’s decision to participate in the elections of Syria’s People Assembly (Parliament) in its 9th legislatives session due to take place on 22 and 23 of this April , was based on a genuine desire on the part of the Organization to invest …

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Assyrian Man Abducted on the Way to Syria

 North Iraq – AINA — An Assyrian (also known as Chaldean and Syriac) man traveling from Kirkuk, North Iraq to Syria was abducted at noon today. The man, identified as Wesam Khamis, was traveling with his wife and sisters when their car was stopped by masked and armed men. Mr. …

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Assyrian Genocide Memorial Monument Proposed in Sweden

 Damascus – AINA — On 24th of April, on the 92nd anniversary of the start of the Turkish genocide of Assyrians, Armenians and Greeks, the Left Party in Örebro, Sweden proposed a genocide memorial monument to honor the Armenian and Assyrian (also known as Chaldean and Syriac) residents in Örebro. …

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opening 50 years jubilee ADO in the Netherlands

  for mor picturs  Holland- ADO– The Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO), Europe branch, celebrated its 50th Anniversary, on Friday, April 20. The event “Cultural Night” was held at the Yoldath Alloho Syriac Orthodox Church of St Mary in the city of Hengelo. The event began with Assyrian folk songs and …

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Mass Grave Investigation in Mardin Province -Turkey

 Turkey- ADO– Between April 23-24, 2007, the Turkish Historical Society and the Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation will initiate discussions about a possible investigation of a mass grave in the Mardin Province. The proposed investigation will seek to clarify conflicting claims about the origins of the mass grave through …

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