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Bush Reaches Out to Abbas, Urges Israel to Help


President Bush reached out on Monday to newly elected Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas with a proposal for direct talks and a White House meeting, and urged him to quickly bolster Palestinian security forces to take on militants.
In the wake of the election on Sunday of Abbas, who replaces the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, Bush said both the Palestinians and Israel must take concrete steps to reduce tensions to improve the climate for creating a Palestinian state.

Bush said he looked forward to talking to Abbas and meeting with him “here to Washington if he chooses to come here.” The White House said Bush planned to speak by phone with Abbas later this week. In contrast, Bush had long shunned Arafat as an obstacle to peace.

Bush praised Israel for letting Palestinian voters in Jerusalem have access to voting places and said there are more steps Israel should take, citing the need for Israel “to fulfill its obligation on the withdrawal from the (Palestinian) territories that they have pledged to withdraw from.”

“It is essential that Israel keep a vision of two states living side by side in peace, and that as the Palestinians begin to develop the institutions of a state, that the Israeli government support the development of those institutions,” he said.

He said Israel should recognize the need for a viable Palestinian economy and health care system so that “people be allowed to start building a society that meets their hopes and needs. And Israel can play and must plan an important part in the development of a Palestinian state.”

“At the same time,” he added, “it is essential that the Palestinian leadership consolidate security forces so that they can fight off those few who still have the desire to destroy Israel as a part of their philosophy, and those few who fear there to be a free vote among the Palestinian people.”

Congressional aides said Bush is considering a proposal to boost U.S. aid to the Palestinians this year by $200 million — a more than twofold increase — to help Abbas prepare for Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza.



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