Home / announces / Breaking News: Tens of Assyrians Arrested in Qamishly, Syria
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Breaking News: Tens of Assyrians Arrested in Qamishly, Syria

 On Friday, May 20, 2011, following the peaceful protests in Qamishly, the Syrian Security Forces raided the headquarters of the Assyrian Democratic Organization and arrested tens of Assyrians (Chaldeans, Syriacs).

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Home / News / Assyrian news / Breaking News: Tens of Assyrians Arrested in Qamishly, Syria

Breaking News: Tens of Assyrians Arrested in Qamishly, Syria

On Friday, May 20, 2011, following the peaceful protests in Qamishly, the Syrian Security Forces raided the headquarters of the Assyrian Democratic Organization and arrested tens of Assyrians (Chaldeans Syriacs). The names that we have received so far are:
  1 – Dr. Malak Yaqoub, Vice President of ADO Political Bureau

  2 – Gabriel Romanos, ADO Polical Bureau

  3 – Karam Dawle, ADO Political Bureau
  4 – Dr. Samir Ibrahim,
ADO Central Committee Member
  5 – Barsom Yousif
  6 – Gawrieh Shabo
  7 – Yaqoub Gharibo
  8 – George Odisho
  9 – Hanna Ishaq
  10 – Ghandi Safar
  11 – Fahad Yousif
  12 – David Habib
  13 – Hanna Sanharib
And many others who were present in the headquarters during the raid.

We were informed that the Syrian Security Forces raided the headquarters of the Assyrian Democratic Organization a second time to arrest more people, where they damaged and confiscated many items.  The headquarters is currently under siege by the Syrian Security Forces. It is worth noting that the overwhelming majority of the individuals who were arrested did not participate in the protests today.

We will supply you with more information as soon as we receive it.

Assyrian Democratic Organization
Media Office
May 20, 2011 – 6761

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