Home / News / Iraq / Bombs Target Four Iraqi Churches; 3 Dead

Bombs Target Four Iraqi Churches; 3 Dead

AP – January 29, 2006

Car bombs exploded in a synchronized spree of attacks outside at least four churches in Baghdad and the northern city of Kirkuk within a short
period, killing at least three Iraqis and wounding nine, police said.
Col. Birhan Taha said that three civilians were killed and one wounded in an attack on the Church of the Virgin in Kirkuk at 4:30 p.m.. Fifteen minutes earlier, another car bomb exploded outside an Orthodox church, wounding six civilians.
Both cars were detonated by remote control, Taha told The Associated Press.
In Baghdad, a car bomb detonated at 4:10 p.m. outside the St. Joseph’s Catholic church in the eastern Baghdad suburb of Sina’a, wounding two people, said Maj. Qusai Ibrahim. About 20 minutes later, another bomb-packed vehicle exploded outside an Anglican church in eastern Baghdad’s Nidhal area, causing no casualties, said Lt. Ali Mitaab.

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Home / News / Assyrian news / Bombs Target Four Iraqi Churches; 3 Dead

Bombs Target Four Iraqi Churches; 3 Dead

Baghdad- AP:
?Car bombs exploded in a synchronized spree of attacks outside at least four churches in Baghdad and the northern city of Kirkuk within a short period, killing at least three Iraqis and wounding nine, police said.

Col. Birhan Taha said that three civilians were killed and one wounded in an attack on the Church of the Virgin in Kirkuk at 4:30 p.m.. Fifteen minutes earlier, another car bomb exploded outside an Orthodox church, wounding six civilians. Both cars were detonated by remote control, Taha told The Associated Press.

In Baghdad, a car bomb detonated at 4:10 p.m. outside the St. Joseph’s Catholic church in the eastern Baghdad suburb of Sina’a, wounding two people, said Maj. Qusai Ibrahim. About 20 minutes later, another bomb-packed vehicle exploded outside an Anglican church in eastern Baghdad’s Nidhal area, causing no casualties, said Lt. Ali Mitaab.

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