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Assyrians Protest in front of United Nations Building

(ZNDA: New York)  On Saturday, 19 February, Assyrians of from several East Coast associations – including members of the Connecticut’s United Assyrian Association of Massachusetts, the Assyrian Ladies Association, the Ashur Assyrian American Association, and the Assyrian National Association gathered in front of the United Nations Building in New York City to protest against the injustices perpetrated against the indigenous Assyrians during the recent Iraqi elections.

Together with a dozen Iraqi-Turkoman, flags were waved high in the air; signs in Assyrian, English, Arabic, and Chinese, condemning the elections were held by the youth; and chants of a free Assyria resonated through the crowd.

From “Naum Faik” to “Atoraye Dmikhe b’shinta”, nationalistic songs both in the Western and Eastern Assyrian dialects were sung, as well as prayers for all our Assyrians in Iraq spoken.

A petition demanding the immediate allocation of 25 seats and the creation of an Assyrian Administrative Region in North Iraq for the indigenous Assyrians was passed around, while an end to all acts of terrorism committed by the Kurdish Democratic Party against the Assyrians Christians was demanded by all who attended the event.

Young and old alike endured harsh weather conditions to show their unwavering support for their Assyrian brothers and sisters living in Iraq. When asked why he attended the demonstration, one young Assyrian summed it up best, “As long as my Assyrian people in Iraq have no voice, I will be their voice, and I will be their voice until I have no voice left.”

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