Home / News / Assyrian news / Assyrians of Russia to Demand Protection for Iraqi Christians

Assyrians of Russia to Demand Protection for Iraqi Christians



Russia – Panarmenian — On July 12 the Assyrians of Russia will hold a protest action with a demand to defend Christians of Iraq — Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syrians and Armenians — from a bloody genocide and ethnic cleansing. As co-chair of the youth wing of the Regional Moscow Assyrian national-cultural autonomy Nikolay Yukhanov told PanARMENIAN.Net, Assyrian Christians are the most vulnerable ethnic group that is subjected to planned extermination on their lands.

During the rally the Assyrians of Russia are going to protest appointment of Tony Blair UK envoy for the Near East. Mass rallies have been already organized in Sweden, Germany, UK, France and U.S. The Assyrian Diaspora throughout the globe decided to continue protests until a decision on protection of Iraqi Christians is taken. During the Moscow rally the initiators are planning to hand ultimatum to Iraqi Ambassador Abdulkarim Hashim Mostafa. The protestors will carry slogans “Christians of Iraq — victims of oil war”, “Stop genocide of Christians”, “Send Bush and Blair to Iraq as ordinary soldiers”. The ultimatum reads, We demand

– To ensure security of Christians of Iraq via replacing American and British soldiers by UN peacekeeping forces
– To acknowledge the Assyrians (Chaldeans, Syryans) as native nationalities of Iraq, living on these lands from ancient times
– To ensure the right for autonomy in Ninevian valley and other regions should be fixed and guaranteed by Constitutions of Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan, along with recognition of Syrians and natives of Iraq To protect all cultural and religious centers in Iraq

– To control the situation with Christian refugees and grant all of the possibility to return to Iraq Christians are experiencing another genocide. According to the data provided by Aina agency, in April 2003 Christians made 8% (1.5 million) of the Iraqi population. Presently this figure is more than twice smaller.

Over 33 churches were bombed. Thousands of Christian refugees flew to Syria and Jordan. Over a thousand of Christians were killed. Christians are executed everyday: priests are beheaded, women are raped. Religious extremists slaughter Christians who refuse to accept Islam or pay taxes.”

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