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Assyrian Universal Alliance press release


Once more the terrorists have attacked our Christian people in Iraq through bombing of seven churches in Baghdad and Kirkuk, as well as beating the Christian students at the Mosul University.

The Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUA), an international alliance of various establishments of the Assyrian people throughout the world, emphatically condemns these attacks and asks the Iraqi government to bring the attackers to justice in the court of law, and provide more security for its citizens and protect the religious worshippers and their places of worship. Such attacks will lead to dividing the Iraqi society and threaten its national unity. Assyrians wish to live in peace and prosperity and enjoy full equality with our Arab, Kurds, and Turkomen countrymen in an atmosphere of mutual respect, and wish to contribute to the development of greater tolerance and diversity in a sovereign, democratic and secular Iraq. We understand that the recent bombings and attack against Christian students at the University were triggered by recent cartoon drawing of the Prophet Muhammad published in certain European newspapers. While respecting the freedom of press, freedom of expression, and the freedom to blaspheme in western societies, democratic freedoms do not give anyone the right to attack prophets and religions. The Assyrian Universal Alliance protests and condemns these publications since they show a lack of respect for religious beliefs and lack of better understanding of certain people and cultures towards one’s religious beliefs be it Muslim, Christian, Jewish or others. The Assyrian Universal Alliance asks all people and nations of all faiths to be more understanding and show restraint toward one’s religious beliefs and faith.

Iraqi Christians have no role in these publications, and the attackers should know that our Assyrian people are the most indigenous people to the Middle Eastern countries, with their roots and history spanning over many millennia. The Middle Eastern Christians, Muslims and Jews the so-called, “people of the book” as were called by the Prophet Mohammad share a common root and are to be respective of one another. At the same time, we ask the Muslim people and governments in the region to show their restraint and sensitivity toward their own none-Muslim citizens and brothers. As it is written in the Holly Koran, it is incumbent upon all believers in the Muslim faith to protect and respect the rights of all the “people of the book.”

Executive Committee

February 1, 2006

Assyrian Universal Alliance

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