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Assyrian Man to Swim Across English Channel


Sydney, Iraq – fairfieldadvance — Two and a half years of braving frigid water, 4.30am starts and pushing his limits during training regimes will culminate in Kaise Stephan’s historic swim of the English Channel this week.

The 33-year-old Abbotsbury resident will be the first person of Assyrian background to brave the 35km swim in what will be a proud moment for his community. It will be particularly special moment for his 14-year-old cousin Mark Stephan. Mr Stephan was inspired to undertake the challenge after the teen was diagnosed with leukemia as a child.

Mr Stephan is fundraising for the oncology unit at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, where Mark, who is in remission, underwent treatment. He has raised almost $105,000 so far. Mr Stephan swims about 40km a week and says he is prepared for next week’s event. He spent 35 hours over the period of a week at the Sydney International Regatta Centre at Penrith, swimming a distance of 90km.

The 3am starts in icy water was perhaps the most realistic prelude to swimming the English Channel only 35 per cent of solo swimmers complete the journey. “All training’s done now,” Mr Stephan said. “I feel a lot of hard work has gone into it and I can’t wait to go and do the swim itself.”

Mr Stephan is expected to start the challenge between tomorrow and July 18, depending on the conditions.

To make a donation, post a cheque to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead Oncology Unit, Fundraising Department, Locked Bag 4001, Westmead 2145, phone 1800 770 122 or visit channelcrossingforlife.com.

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