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Assyrian Genocide Discussed At Sarajevo Conference


Sarajevo – ESNA — On the 12th of July 2007 an international genocide research conference took place in Bosnia-Herzegovina’s capital Sarajevo.

The conference was arranged by the “Institute of Research About Crime Against Humanity and International Law” at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, together with the IAGS (International Association of Genocide Scholars).

To the seventh event in this series of conferences, the Seyfo-Center was invited. The Seyfo scholar Sabri Atman is present, and Tea Halo from USA also attended and held a speech about the Seyfo Genocide of 1915.

The conference is being closely watched by the Turkish embassy in Bosnia-Herzegovina and by ASAM, a Turkish institution which conducts lobby for Turkish interests. Turkish diplomats are doing everything in their power to stop a formal recognition of the genomcide.

According to information received, this conference will be concluded with a joint statement recognizing the genocide committed against Armenians, Assyrians/Syrians/Chaldeans and Pontic-Greeks. Considering the close relationship between Turkey and Bosnia-Herzegovina, an eventual recognition of the Seyfo Genocide is of great importance and would be a hard blow for Turkey.

Sabri Atman has lectured at Seyfo conferences in several of Europe’s capitals, many times in the countries’ parliaments. The latest conference he lectured at was held at the European Parliament. Sabri Atman has through this conference succeeded in lifting up the Seyfo issue another level in the political arena.

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