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Assyrian Democratic Organization?s Presentation

?The symposium was attended by a wide spectrum of political forces in the Governorate, a number of intellectuals, writers and independents, as well as members of various communist party sections.? Below is the?ADO?s interposition, delivered by Gabriel Moshe Gurieh, a member of the ADO?s Political Bureau.

Ladies and Gentlemen

On behalf of ADO, we thank the Coordination Committee for the Unification of the Syrian Communist Party in Al-Jazira for preparing this very important symposium, hoping that it would be an introduction to a democratic national dialogue evolving all the patriotic forces in Syria.? As a matter of fact, dialogue is a constant necessity and should not be linked to this or that condition or circumstances. We have been waiting for such a dialogue for a long time.? Regrettably, its importance was not fully recognized until recently, when?pressures and dangers surrounding our country have increased. ?Nevertheless, what is important is that the dialogue has begun, and thus the hope gets higher with all this wonderful patriotic representation.

From the outset, I would like to stress that all the patriotic forces within or without the National Front agree upon the seriousness of dangers threatening our country nowadays. ?As regards to this issue, there is neither opposition nor allegiance because the disagreement with authorities does not mean disloyalty to the homeland. ?And we further confirm that everybody rejects the idea of seeking outside forces? help as means of resolving our internal problems, similarly, the use of force by government or its officials to silence the citizens is equally rejected. ?Only the rule of law should?have the upper hand.

?The lessons of history have thought us that the
US is not the sole Empire and definitely won?t be the last one. ?Before the US, there were many other imperial powers, like the Persians, Romans, Mongolians, Crusaders, Ottomans and the French.? All these powers occupied large parts of this area, struggled for its control.? But in the end, they were driven out by the determination of our people. ?The difference between then and now is that the US has now become the sole dominating superpower and it
is in the peak of its imperial supremacy and extension, especially after the occupation of
Iraq and launching its alleged plan about combating terrorism and promulgating democracy.

Nevertheless, if this Empire is currently having crises, we think she is capable of resolving it through democracy, unlike the past imperial powers. ?But as for us , we are living on the margins of this crises, as our problems are stirring and ?getting worse from within, without finding any solution, primarily because of the ?interaction and intersection ?between internal and external factors ?in which the US is the major player ?who dictates the rules and terms of the game .

We all know that the repression in
Iraq and the exclusion of its people as well as the confiscation of its rights were the main reasons behind?America?s presence in the region.? Now, at this stage, the US is targeting Syria; and consequently, began to escalate its aggression through the US?s Congress?s ratification of Syria?s accountability Law and Lebanese sovereignty Act, a thing that we reject and condemn. ?Yet in spite of what has been said about the administration?s plans and ambitions in the area ?which are progressing as planned ? nothing has been done so far in terms of resisting and stopping them. ?An explosion here and a suicide bombing there won?t deter them from going on with their plans. We definitely believe that confronting a
superpower won?t be through recalling past heroic deeds or talking about history?s lessons, at a time when serious dangers are surrounding us from all directions.? Nor would empty slogans, sham rhetoric, curses ?and recalling America?s abuses in Abu Ghraib prison do us any good ?or move them an inch from the borders. ?Yet we think
US pressures can be reduced first, through dealing rationally with her as a sole superpower that has interests in the region, second, by not provoking her or providing her with excuses for aggression.? (Isn?t our current policy is that of appeasement? ?Avoiding being drown into a confrontation that we are not yet prepared for it.? This is what foreign minister Sharaa said following the attack on Ain Saheb by Israel).? Besides, the policy of economic blockade and aggression ?can only be confronted by containment, by building good relationships with regional Arab neighboring countries, as well as with Russia, EU and Asian countries, in addition to keeping the channels
of dialogue open with the US, instead of wasting time by waiting the results of the American presidential elections. ?We should better know that whoever becomes the president of the
US, American policy in the region would not change, because this is connected with its national interest, which is expanding globally owing to its being the only superpower in the world.

Hence, we firmly believe that the most important and decisive factor in confronting these pressures are the internal or the national factor. ?Now, the question that is being asked is: Is our national front strong enough to stand up to the pressures we are facing?

No doubt, one of the biggest elements of strength in the Syrian society is its ethnic, cultural and religious diversity and richness.? Here we can find Arabs, Assyrians (Syriacs and Chaldeans ), Kurds, Armenians, Muslims, Christians, Yezidis ?and Jews living in harmony side by side. ?All these peoples have offered sacrifices and fought for the independence of the country. ?Now the fundamental drawback in all this is the denial of this diversity and multiplicity, and the inability to utilize all these potentials in building and consolidating our national unity and strengthening our position.
Moreover, there are other drawbacks, like political monopoly, absence of political participation, limitation of freedoms, emergency law, division of citizens into classes, and dealing with them on the basis of their religious affiliations in front of the law, in addition to corruption, embezzlement of state funds and finally the complete absence of institutions or their intentional impairment.

For these reasons we see our national unity (which is the strongest weapon in the face of numerous challenges) is not strong and solid enough to stand up to the dangers confronting us. ?It is in need of protection and complement, especially in the aftermath of the events in Qamishly which had been dealt with via security measures instead of political ones.? Add to that the issue of our some Kurd brothers who are deprived of their nationalities. Although there were some positive indications from President Dr. Bashar Al-Assad as to resolving this issue and recognizing the Kurdish nationality
as an introduction to the recognition of the status of national diversity and multiplicity in Syria. ?But, regrettably, this new atmosphere of openness was soon called off when a decree was issued banning the activities of parties and unions. ?Some say the decree relates only to banning Kurdish parties. ?As a matter of fact, if this is a general decree, it means an end to the political life after a short period of relaxation. ?The decree comes at a time when the Syrian citizens were anticipating to have?greater participation in the political life and to play greater role in confronting the dangers awaiting their country. ?But if the decree is restricted only to Kurdish parties, this will even look worse, as it will be an outrageous segregation against an important segment of our society; further, it is not in the interest of the homeland to put such an important
segment out and prevent it from reacting with the problems of its country particularly at a time when we are all facing a ruthless American -Israeli aggression.

Therefore to avoid, here in
Syria, the repetition of what has happened in Iraq, it is incumbent on us to give priority to the national cause over other issues. ?This can be done through consolidating our national unity, initiating real reforms in all domains, political, economic, administrative, according to clear national program and definite schedule, as well as establishing a secular democratic system and building a state of law and institutions. ?These changes consequently require launching political freedoms, releasing political prisoners, abolishing the state of emergency and further, issuing a modern law for political parties that recognizes political, national and cultural diversity, so that Syria might become home for all its citizens.

Before I conclude, and for the sake of the best interest of the country, I hope that President Bashar Al-Assad as well as the Syrian leadership would receive people such as Bachir Isaac Saadi, Abed Al-Hameed Darweesh , Hasan Abed Al-Athim, Riath Altork, and others as representatives of patriotic forces in Syria and would listen and talk to them as he usually do with leaders of Lebanese and Iraqi parties and factions. ?Moreover, we look forwards to opening official offices in Damascus for Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO), Kurdish Democratic Progressive party in Syria, Syrian Communist Party ?Political Bureau- and for all other patriotic parties similar to the offices of former Iraqi opposition parties (currently accused of being America?s collaborators) and to that of Hamas and other Palestinian factions.

Having done that, it would be possible to say that national reconciliation has been achieved, reforms have started, dialogue has been launched and that our national unity is safe, and further, we are able to confront all the challenges that are surrounding us.

Thanks for listening.





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