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Assyrian Democratic Organization Declaration on the Arrest of 13 Members

Declaration by the Assyrian Democratic Organization

Following the peaceful protest that took place in Qamishly on Friday, May 20, 2011, where Assyrians (Syriacs-Chaldeans), Kurds, and Arabs participated together, over 20 fully armed members of the Syrian Security Forces, attacked the headquarters of the Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO).  The Security Forces arrested 13 members of the ADO, four of which are top leaders.  The arrests were made due to having some Assyrian youths participate in the protest, along with their partners in the homeland, calling for freedom and democracy.  After they were arrested and taken to an undisclosed location, the Security Forces returned to the ADO headquarters in Al-Wusta neighborhood, where they damaged and confiscated many items.

The arrested members are:
1- Dr. Malak Yaqoub, Vice President of ADO Politburo Member
2- Gabriel Romanos, ADO Politburo Member
3- Karam Dawle, ADO Politburo Member
4- Dr. Samir Ibrahim, ADO Central Committee Member
5- Barsom Yousif
6- Gawrieh Shabo
7- Yaqoub Gharibo
8- George Odisho
9- Hanna Ishaq
10- Ghandi Safar
11- Fahad Yousif
12- David Habib
13- Hanna Sanharib

We, in the Assyrian Democratic Organization, strongly condemn this heinous action that conflicts with basic Human Rights and the Syrian Constitution, which guarantees freedom of expression and the right of peaceful and democratic assembly for all Syrian citizens.  We demand the immediate release of these Assyrian detainees and all those detained due to participating in these peaceful protests, and the release of all political prisoners in Syria.  We also call on the Syrian authorities to halt their restrictive security measures that lead the country into the unknown.  It is time to begin an official, open, democratic, and national dialogue, which will facilitate moving the country into a democratic and pluralistic system that meets the aspirations of all the Syrians.

May 20, 2011 – 6761

Assyrian Democratic Organization
Political Bureau

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