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Assyrian Democratic Organization Declaration

Syria – ADO
On 30 March 2005 the Syrian President, Bashar Al-Assad, issued a general amnesty for the young Kurdish men, 312 in number, arrested on the backdrop of Qamishly’s events on 12 March 2004. This positive initiative created a sense of satisfaction and optimism among the families of these men as well as among all Syrian Kurds, patriotic forces and human rights societies. This was viewed as an important step in reducing the political frustration in the Syrian society.

On this occasion, the Assyrian Democratic Organization congratulates the families of the freed prisoners as well as all the Kurdish political parties and forces. Nevertheless, this step is viewed as incomplete unless it is followed by the release of all political prisoners of different affiliations and nationalities, including our Assyrian brothers-16 in number – who have been arrested for more than five months in the aftermath of al-Hassaka incident.

The case of the Assyrian prisoners is not different from that of Qamishly incident’s, as they are still held in al-Muslemia Prison and tried by the military criminal court in Aleppo, well known as a nominal court and subject entirely to the will of the Syrian political and security bodies, as is the case with all exceptional courts in Syria. It is also ruled by the whims of its officials and some corrupt judges.

The proceedings of the Hassaka Assyrians’ court has revealed to our people in the homeland and the Diaspora the partiality and injustice of these courts and the necessity of relieving our young people from their repression.

It has further created a general sense of skepticism among them about the credibility of the judicial system, the futility of this trial which seeks through dishonest intrigues of pressures and coercion to equalize between the murderer and the victim.

Hence, availing ourselves of this opportunity, we call upon the authorities to release from prison our above mentioned brothers, as well as, all the prisoners of Damascus’ Spring and the political prisoners in Syria, and further, to close forever the file of political detainees. 

We believe that this is the true beginning of desirable political reforms and the precondition for creating reconciliation and a strong national unity capable of confronting the oncoming pressures and threats from outside.
Every Syrian cherishes the anniversary of April 17th – Syria‘s Independence Day – with great love and respect, for the meaning of freedom and the emancipation and victory that it inspires, and for the great sacrifices, the heroic deeds and the unity among different factions of the people it involves.

The anniversary of Syria‘s Independence Day comes this year at a time when our country is passing through very difficult times due to the fundamental changes that are sweeping the region particularly in our neighboring country. These circumstances have given birth to new concepts and realities that make incumbent on us to understand their implications and know how to cope with them realistically and pragmatically by adopting an open, democratic approach capable of building a patriotic atmosphere politically, economically and culturally to achieve this transition peacefully toward a real democratic society.

At the top of these priorities are the political reforms that stimulate and motivate all economic, social and cultural changes. These can be achieved by revitalizing the political life in Syria.
We therefore believe that entrance to these reforms as well as to the aspirations of all Syrians to achieve a real democratic society, is through convening a reconciliation and dialogue conference, involving all the national parties and forces without exception, in which different phases of broad–based reforms and means of implementing them would be debated, the foremost being, the issuuance of a modern law for political parties that would recognize the ethnic and cultural multiplicity and diversity of the Syrian society.

Secondly, the abolition of emergency and martial laws, in addition to releasing all prisoners of conscious.

Thirdly, the 10th Regional Convention of the al-Baath Party – “the leader of state and society” to reconsider, with boldness and courage, the many ideological and economic concepts that are doomed to failure, and to acknowledge the right of others for political participation based on the ballot boxes and on the principle of citizenship far from the outdated slogans of “the leading party “.

Finally, acceleration in dealing with the internal problems of reform is the best guarantee to facing outside challenges and pressures. Because the freedom and dignity of the citizen is the strongest weapon in the face of all outside threats.

Dear brothers and sisters in Syria, the Chaldeans, Assyrians and Syriacs are original inhabitants in this country, they have always inhabited with this land and have built, together with others, its civilization. They still preserve their national identity, language and culture, and this deep-rooted presence deserves to be acknowledged within a democratic, permanent constitution that will guarantee equality for everyone and in which the majority will help protect the rights of the minorities.

The release from prison recently of the detained Kurds on the backdrop of Qamishly’s events left a general feeling of satisfaction on the political and public level; meanwhile, our people expected to hear the release of their brothers arrested over five months ago in the aftermath of al-Hasska incident and are being presently tried by the military criminal court in Aleppo.

The safeguarding of our independence and maintaining its values and meaning in our life, can be only achieved in a democratic atmosphere that would secure justice and equality for all and preserve the freedom and dignity of every citizen. Hence, we call for the immediate release of the Assyrian detainees as well as all the political detainees in Syria. This can be the best starting point for reinforcing the national unity and building a citizenship capable of confronting all the risks now threatening our country.


Our warmest congratulations on this occasion.

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