1) Samir David  Bet Nahain Democratic Party
2) Praidon Darmoo  Assyrian Universal Alliance
3) Yatron Darmoo  Assyrian National Congress
4) Albert Yelda – one of the 65-man Follow-up and Coordination Committee
5) Gewargis Bakoos  Assyrian Patriotic Union
6) Emmanuel Youkhanna  Assyrian Democratic Movement
7) John Michael  Assyrian Democratic Movement


Prime Minister Tony Blair
10 Downing Street

19th March 2003
Dear Prime Minister Blair,

As we are nearing a turning point in the history of our homeland Iraq, the below mentioned Democratic Assyrian political organisations would like to take this opportunity to highlight the plight and concerns of our people in Iraq.

Assyrian Christians are the indigenous people of Iraq, our history in that region spans 6000 years. Assyrians speak the Aramaic language, the language of our saviour Jesus Christ and indeed Assyrians were the first nation to accept Christianity in the first century A.D.

During the First World War, Assyrians allied with the British against the Ottoman Turks and as a consequence lost over half our population as well as our ancestral homelands.

There are approximately 1.5 million Assyrian Christians in Iraq today. Under the current dictatorial regime, Assyrian people have endured 35 years of systematic oppression, persecution and summary executions due to our distinct race and Christian beliefs.

The Iraqi census in 1977 forced Assyrians to register as either Arabs or Kurds, this was in line with the regimes policy of forced Arabisation of the Assyrians in an attempt to eliminate our identity.

Under Saddams regime, over two hundred Assyrian villages and countless ancient Assyrian Churches and Monasteries were razed to the ground, Churches and Monasteries, which had remained intact for over 1,600 years. The inhabitants of these villages were either killed or displaced. Non-Assyrians now inhabit these ancient Assyrian villages and we fear that they may have been lost forever.

Assyrians are forbidden to teach the Assyrian Aramaic language and are not permitted to christen our children with Assyrian Christian names.

Due to the barbaric policy of Saddams evil regime, over one million Assyrians, 25% of our total number worldwide, have fled Iraq over the last 30 years.

We, the below mentioned Assyrian political organisations support you, Mr. Prime Minister and the President of the United States of America in your joint leadership to liberate the people of Iraq, without your support and moral stance, such a task is impossible. We believe this is crucial for the safety and security of the people of Iraq, the region and the world.

We strive for:

7 Human rights and equality for every Iraqi irrespective of gender, ethnicity, religion, political or personal beliefs.
7 Unity and territorial integrity of Iraq.
7 Establishment of a democratic and constitutional Iraq that is based on the rule of law and order.
7 An Iraq that is free from weapons of mass destruction and is at peace with its neighbours.
7 An Iraq that is a catalyst for democracy, peace and prosperity in the region.

In order for democracy to work in Iraq, all ethnic groups irrespective of race, religion and numbers must have fair and equal representation in all official government organisations and institutions. The Assyrians worst fear is that our legitimate rights may be once again ignored and suppressed. Therefore, we urge the British and American governments to utilise their influence to ensure that democracy is built on a solid foundation by ensuring that all ethnic groups are treated and looked upon equally.

Our Assyrian people in Iraq anxiously await the day of liberation, Iraqi people everywhere will be eternally grateful to those who made freedom, peace and democracy a reality in our homeland, Iraq.

As British citizens of Assyrian descent we stand by the United Kingdom in its effort to bring about a lasting peace to the world.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the British and American troops and the innocent people of Iraq.

Yours sincerely,
For and on behalf of,

Assyrian Democratic Movement
Assyrian National Congress
Assyrian Patriotic Party
Assyrian Universal Alliance
Bet-Nahrain Democratic Party

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