Home / News / Assyrian news / Assyrian Delegation at Heny Hyde Fund Raising for Re-election (En)

Assyrian Delegation at Heny Hyde Fund Raising for Re-election (En)

Congressman Hyde greeted the Assyrian Delegation and
he recognized some members of the delegation from
their last trip to the Capital Hill which they were
given, unprecedented, long time to present the
Assyrian case to him and consequently to the Foreign
Relation Committee.

Last night President Bush’s reference to the Assyrian
people, in his speech, is a great political gain for
the Assyrian in the USA and abroad. The Assyrian where
pointed out as people who have been suffering on the
hands of dictatorial regimes in the Middleast,
specially Iraq.

Now that Awyoota have permanent lobby in Washington it
will become easier for the Assyrian to make their
voice heard and pursue their interests in a fashion
that is well recognized in the American political

By: Joseph Odisho / ADO-reporter in the USA

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