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Assyrian concerns and the Iraqi Constitution

The constitution of Iraq must recognize and include the Assyrian Nation as a third principal nation within the political frame of the Republic of Iraq.


The Constitution of Iraq must stress that Iraqi people be comprised of Arabs, Kurds, Assyrians, Turcomans and others.


The constitution of Iraq must include the political, cultural, and administrative rights of the Assyrians.


The constitution of Iraq must stress that the government of Iraq be a democratic, secular, pluralistic and parliamentarian government that will guarantee human rights and equality for all Iraqi citizens.


The constitution of Iraq must state an administrative region for the Assyrians on the land of their ancestors located between the Greater Zab and Tigris rivers under jurisdiction of the central government of Iraq.


The constitution of Iraq must state a quota for Assyrians based on the Iraqi census of 1957 guaranteeing their proper representation in the National Assembly and the government through representatives chosen by the Assyrians.


The constitution of Iraq must affirm full sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq.


The constitution of Iraq must ensure equal rights for women.


Rebuilding the Iraqi state institutions must be based on citizenship, efficiency, and integrity. (In other words, allegiance should be to the state and not to religion or ethnicity).


The government of Iraq must maintain a social security system and provide free health.


The government of Iraq must ensure free education and complete reform of the educational system.


The government of Iraq must take measures to restore and protect the Assyrian national identity in recognition of its historical significance to Iraq and the world civilization.


The government of Iraq must take measures to ensure restoration of Assyrian villages and churches.


The government of Iraq must take measures to ensure internally displaced Assyrians the right to return to their homes and lands.


To ensure the implementation of human rights, a special commission for human rights should be appointed with the authority to propose legislation. (Establish mechanisms for the protection of human rights by creating a human rights ombudsman to ensure legislative is not adopted that infringes upon basic human rights).


To safeguard the rights of national minorities (nationalities), a special commission must be established.


In case of federalism, the constitution of Iraq must allow a pluralistic executive for the federal units to protect language, culture and economic interests of all minorities in each region.


Establish an oil council to manage the allocation of oil revenue.


Articulate specific individual rights based on the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


Ensure the articulation of minority rights based on European Charter for Regional or minority Languages and Council of Europe?s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.


Bill of Rights:


Civil and Political Rights:


– The right to life and be protected by law.
– The right to equality before the law (i.e., the courts and tribunals) (regardless of religion, ethnicity, or gender).
– The right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law.
– The right to privacy and protection of that privacy by the law.
– The right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.
– The right to freedom of opinion and expression.
– The right to civil liberty:
* Freedom of press.
* Freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
* Freedom of movement within the country, foreign travel, emigration and repatriation.
– The right to freedom from:
* Political and extra judicial killing.
* Disappearance.
* Torture and other cruel or inhuman treatment or punishment.
* Arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
* Denial of a fair public trial.
* Arbitrary interference with privacy, family and correspondence.
– The right of citizens to change their government.
– Forbid the death penalty.
– The right to vote and to be elected at genuine periodic elections.
– The right to take part in the conduct of public affairs.


Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights:


– The right of association and formation of trade unions.
– The right to work (which includes the right and opportunity of everyone to gain his/her living by work).
– The right to strike.
– The right to private property.
– The right to privacy.
– The right of liberty and freedom of movement
– The right to organize and bargain collectively.
– Prohibition of forced or compulsory labor.
– Forbid slavery.
– Protection against discrimination based on race, religion, political or other opinion, national origin or language.
– Acceptable conditions of work:
* Minimum wages.
* Safe and healthy working conditions.
* Minimum age for employment
– Equal pay for equal work.
– Equal opportunity for advancement.
– Free education.
– The right to have access to public service.
– Copyright and trade work protection for intellectual property.


Minority Rights:


– All nations and peoples have the right to self-determination, by virtue of which they have the right to whatever degree of autonomy or self-government they choose.
– The right to establish and maintain their own associations.
– The right to freedom of peaceful assembly, expression, and freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.
– Exercise fully and effectively all their human rights and fundamental freedoms without any discrimination and in full equality before the law.
– The right to practice and revitalize their cultural traditions and customs.
– The right to all levels and forms of education of the state.
– The right to establish their own media (publications, television, and radio) in their own language.
– The right to participate fully at all levels of decision-making in matters, which may affect their rights, lives, and destinies through representative?s chosen by them.
– The right to maintain and develop their political, economic, and social systems
– Local security and police under civilian control, which reflect the ethnic composition of communities they are serving.
– Educational, cultural, religious, and administrative rights, including the use of native languages for educational instruction.
– The right to display cultural symbols.


Assyrian Universal Allaince


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