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Twelve days have passed and the horrible war and military aggression waged by Israel as a collective punishment against the people of Lebanon continues. Israel has systematically targeted civilians, roads, bridges, airport, ambulances and trucks carrying food supplies or medicines. The infrastructure of Lebanon is periodically targeted. Lebanon is under siege and is torn apart due to the ongoing bombardment. Many towns and villages are isolated. Complete neighborhoods are eradicated.

The updated statistics show that more than 350 civilians were killed, thousands wounded. Half a million Lebanese are displaced or refugees in Syria and many are still trapped under the racks of their houses. Refugees are left without medicine, food supplies or shelter. Relief agencies are not capable of reaching people in all the targeted areas. Virtually the only response from the “international community” has been to send helicopters and boats to rescue their own citizens. The innocent children, women, young men and elderly people are killed under the eyes of the so called “international community”. The Security Council has failed so far to reach to a cease fire agreement in order to put an immediate end to this terrible massacre.

– We believe wars and violence are not ways to achieve just and lasting peace.
– We believe that the whole people of Lebanon are the primary target of this bloody assault.
– We believe that the “international community” and the “Security Council” are urged to take an immediate action to stop this war.
– We believe that the results of this war will have a detrimental effect not only on the future of Lebanon, but also on the future of the whole Middle East region and perhaps the world.
– We believe that the so called “war against terror” using massive weapons will result into more hatred and phobia to the west and will have negative repercussions on the Christians in the region.
– We believe that this war against Lebanon is another episode of the Arab-Israeli conflict. All peace efforts in the past have failed and reached a dead end because they were not based on just and comprehensive approach.
– We believe that the biased stands of the “international community” and the United Nations towards the ME conflicts including Palestine and Iraq has created more injustice, more insecurity, and more blood shed.
– The immediate aftermath of this assault is depleting Lebanon of youth who are left to despair and emigration.

Therefore, we call upon all partners, churches, youth organizations, NGOs and people of faith in the world at large:
– To exert the maximum pressure on their governments to stop this war and call for an immediate cease fire in Lebanon and to protect civilians.
– To advocate the release of all detainees, both in Israel and Lebanon.
– To collect signatures around the world and advocate for a “just peace” in the Middle East based on the immediate implementation of all long-delayed UN Security Council resolutions pertaining to the Arab ? Israeli conflict.
– To expose of human rights violations and call for the respect of the Geneva Conventions and all related international treaties that protect the lives of innocent people and civilians during the wars. 
– To call on special prayers for the safety of the people of Lebanon in particular, and the people in the Middle East in general.

Middle East Council of Churches World Student Christian Federation
Youth Program Middle East Region

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