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An appeal to the Syrian population and political movements

The riots started when the Arab supporters started to yell provocative slogans, in which they stressed their support for ex-dictator Saddam Hussein. The conflict became political and both groups attacked each other. The Syrian police intervened violently and killed several persons.

The next day, during the funeral the situation got out of hand. The police had no control over the situation and complete anarchy broke out in the city of Qamishli and surrounding cities. Kurdish groups went through the city and destroyed hospitals, government buildings, buildings of the security services, schools etc. In Europe there were also incidents. On Saturday 13 March some Kurds stormed the Syrian Embassy in Brussels.

We condemn the destructions by the Kurdish groups in Syria as well as in Europe, because they do not serve the interests of the Syrian population. Every idea which threatens the unity of the Syrian society is condemned by us. We condemn the way in which the Syrian government has tried to solve this conflict. The harsh reaction by the police has only aggravated the situation.

We also emphasize that this conflict has a deeper background in Syrian society. Different ethnic groups as the Assyrians and Kurds do not feel that their rights as minorities are fully guaranteed. The undemocratic Syrian society must change.

In order to guarantee that this incident does not get out of hand we strongly urge all peoples in Syria, namely Arabs, Assyrians and Kurds to let peace return and not to give room to those in Syria as well as outside Syria to destroy the unity in Syria.

Therefore it is necessary that an independent commission is installed which will investigate the unrest and will punish those responsible in an appropriate way.

We urge the Syrian government to speed up the process of democratization and to include the different ethnic groups in this process. A broad dialogue between the different ethnic groups must start, in which fraternity, patriotism and the unity of Syria must serve as a basis. Only then a political program will evolve in which political interaction is possible, in a society in which there will be peace and a flourishing economy.

A delegation of the Assyrian Democratic Organisation (ADO) and the Syrian Orthodox Church have held meetings with Kurdish parties and the government in the city of Qamishli, in order to mediate and pacify the situation.

We ask the European states to monitor the situation closely and to support the democratic developments in Syria. We, as the Assyrian Democratic Organisation (ADO) stand for a Syria in which democracy and equality for all ethnic groups is a central element.

The Assyrian Democratic Organisation (ADO)

15 March 2004

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