Home / Press releases / ADO Statament on Iraqi Parliamentary elections on December 15th

ADO Statament on Iraqi Parliamentary elections on December 15th

The upcoming Iraqi Parliamentary elections on December 15th are of utmost importance since a National assembly will emerge from these elections. The new National Assembly will determine remaining Iraqi national constitutional rights as well as national rights for our Chaldean Assyrian Syriac people.


The current Constitution includes provisions for making amendments to redress the injustice made against our people that failed to recognize our people as an integral and historic component of Iraq. Moreover, the elections are an opportunity to secure fair representation for our people in the National Assembly as well as other primary governmental institutions in accordance with our demographic strength and abilities. Such an outcome could only be possible by electing true representatives capable of presenting the suffering of our people and achieving our national, political, cultural, and administrative rights with an emphasis on the unity of our national identity.


We, in the Assyrian Democratic Organization, call upon our people in Iraq and in the Diaspora who are eligible to vote to cast their ballots for the candidates who have proven their labor and struggle in the national field. Please cast your ballots for those qualified candidates who can truly represent the aspirations of our people.

Participation in these elections is the nationalistic and patriotic duty of us all.


Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO)

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