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ADO Political Bureau: Easter Congratulations

Syrian- ADO:
On the occasion of Easter the Assyrian Democratic Organization extends its warmest greetings and congratulations to our Assyrian Syriac Chaldean people in the homeland and Diaspora, as well as to our national and religious establishments, wishing all success, happiness and well being.

It further extends special congratulations and appreciation particularly to our people in the bleeding Iraq , who despite of the difficult and hazardous circumstances they are going through, are still celebrating Easter as they celebrated before, with their brothers and sisters all over the world, the 1st of April, challenging all forms of killing, kidnapping and terrorism, reaffirming their adherence to their ancestral lands and homeland and sacrificing all for their existence and freedom.

Once again we congratulate our brothers and sisters on the occasion of this happy Easter, hoping that our people and establishments would draw from its symbolism represented by the pains, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the meanings of sacrifice love and hope, lessons and examples of unity, unity of stance and struggle for the sake of protecting their identity and legitimate rights on their ancestral homeland under a system based on democracy, freedom and laws of human rights.

Happy Easter and best wishes to all our people.

– Syria 15/04/2006

Assyrian Democratic Organization
Political Bureau 

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