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ADO – Mtakasta 53rd Anniversary

  • We must focus on reorganizing and strengthening the ADO.
  • The youth is our hope and future, we need to attract them and energize them.
  • Let us work together to have a media that represents our people.

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Home / Press releases / ADO – Mtakasta 53rd Anniversary

ADO – Mtakasta 53rd Anniversary

Assyrian Democratic Organization, Diaspora Branches

13 July, 2010 – 6760
Shlomo Habre Myaqre,
On 15, July, 1957, a group of young active and patriotic Assyrians in the city of Qamishly joined together and established our people’s first political party, the Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO). For the past 53 years, the ADO has been working diligently and fighting for the rights of our people.
On this occasion, we would like to extend our wishes to every member of the ADO. It is through the hard work and activism of our members for the past 53 years, that we have been able to sustain all the obstacles before us and continue to survive and flourish.
Our people’s struggles in these times are great and we need to strengthen our resolve and empower the ADO to achieve our goals of existence and freedom. We must focus on reorganizing and strengthening the ADO internally. The youth is our hope and future, we need to attract them and energize them. Also, these days, we all understand the importance of the media. Let us work together to achieve our dreams of having a media that represents our people.
Once again, congratulations to all of us, and we shall continue to celebrate this joyous day for many years to come.
Ablahad Astepho
A. D. O.
Central Europe Branch
Sait Yildiz
A. D. O.
Sweden Branch
George Stifo
A. D. O.
United States & Canada Branch

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