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ADO: Declaration on the withdrawal From parliamentary elections

Syria – ADO The Assyrian Democratic Organization’s decision to participate in the elections of Syria’s People Assembly (Parliament) in its 9th legislatives session due to take place on 22 and 23 of this April , was based on a genuine desire on the part of the Organization to invest this election propaganda, with whatever small margin of freedom it afforded, in order to convey its message to its people and to the broadest segment of the Syrian society, and further to raise their democratic awareness through gatherings and various political activities, with an aim of consolidating its political participation in the political and national arena .

The electoral statement made by the Organization’s candidate came to expresses the aspirations of our Assyrian Chaldean Syrian people and the hopes of all Syrian citizens in the establishment of a genuine democracy in the society.

Nevertheless, being aware of the regime’s old tricks of vote rigging and attaching packaged shadow lists to the main official National Progressive Front’s list as was the case in the previous three successive election terms, especially as these elections are being conducted under the state of emergency and under undemocratic electoral law, the Organization had in mind withdrawal from the elections in the event of the emergence of such a list .

Now, on the eve of the elections, and after it became quit clear to the Organization the emergence of the Shadow list it has decided to withdraw from the electoral process and boycott the ballot because of the futility of such participation.

On this occasion, as the Organization condemns and denounces the regime’s behavior in falsifying the elections with regards to the margin allocated to the independent candidates and usurping the will of the voters and preventing them from delivering their real representatives to the People’s Assembly, it wishes to deeply thank all those who have sympathized, supported and participated in its election campaign, pledging to its people and supporters to keep on the struggle, together with other patriotic forces in Syria, democratically and peacefully, with the same resolve and determination in order to achieve its national goals

ADO- Syria

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