We, in the Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO), would like to offer our congratulations on your election to the Turkish Parliament. It is an honor and high time that an Assyrian (Suryoyo) with integrity and intellect achieved success in politics in Turkey.
For decades, our people have been awaiting this moment to have a representative who is seeking to represent our own interests and defend our rights in Turkey. We wish you great success in your future endeavors serving our people and protecting our rights.
Myaqro Erol, the Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO) has continuously supported you and your election campaign and we seek to continue our mutual work together serving our people’s interests for many more years to come.
Tahniyotho Lebonoyotho.
Ablahad Astepho
ADO Europe, President
Sait Yildiz
ADO Sweden, President
George Stifo
ADO USA and Canada, President