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ADO Banned from Celebrating its Anniversary

The agency, SANA, said the amnesty offer covers offenses like theft, forgery, military desertion and other white-collar crimes committed before Thursday. No details were provided on how many people could be cleared under the amnesty, but the number is expected to reach thousands.

Saturday marks the fourth anniversary of the Syrian Parliament?s swearing in of Bashar as president. Bashar was elected Syrian leader on July 10, 2000, a month after the death of his father, President Hafez Assad.

Bashar?s amnesty applies to people serving prison terms or facing trial on minor charges. Fugitive criminals wanting to take advantage of the amnesty must turn themselves in to authorities within three months. Under the amnesty, prisoners will be freed or people facing court cleared of their charges.

However, it does not cover political prisoners. Political activist and lawyer Anwar Al-Bunni urged the government to include political prisoners in the amnesty. ?Syrian authorities continue to ignore all calls for releasing political prisoners and their inhumane situation,? Al-Bunni told The Associated Press.

?What is important for them (the government) is to issue amnesties for those who have committed crimes of robbing people and those who have looted their money.?

Since becoming president, Bashar has routinely released hundreds of prisoners under amnesties coinciding with the anniversary of his coming to power. But he has also clamped down on pro-democracy activists, showing there are limits to the dissent that his administration is willing to tolerate.

Meanwhile, Syrian security authorities have prevented an Assyrian political party from marking its 47th anniversary in northeastern Syria, the organization said Friday.

The Assyrian Democratic Organization, which has had several run-ins in the past with Syrian authorities, was supposed to hold anniversary ceremonies Thursday, according to a statement it faxed to The Associated Press.

But political security agents in the northeastern city of Qamishli notified the head of the party?s Politburo, Bashir Saadi, late Wednesday to ?absolutely cancel holding any ceremonies regarding the anniversary without explaining the reasons behind the authorities? decision,? the statement said. Saadi confirmed in a telephone interview with the AP that a security official in Qamishli, 655 kilometers northeast of Syrian capital, said a decision had been issued to ?ban any aspects of celebrating the anniversary.?

?I was surprised by the authorities? decision to ban the ceremonies, especially after the organization had invited all political and human rights national groups, including the ruling Baath party?s local leaders, to send representatives to attend,? former lawmaker Saadi said. Government officials were not available for comment.

The Assyrian organization, which was formed in 1957, has felt the wrath of the Syrian government several times since the Baath Party took power in a 1963 coup.

Despite going underground in 1963, the Assyrian group had 22 members of its leadership, including Saadi, jailed in late 1986 during an anti-dissent campaign. They were released six months later. In 1997, the government detained three party leaders, including Saadi, for another six months.

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