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ADO announces joining ” Damascus Declaration”

During the periodic meeting of the transitional committee of Damascus Declaration on 18/01/2006 ,a joint statement signed on 07/01/2006 between the delegations of the two organization, ADO and Damascus Declaration’s, has been ratified . By virtue of it ADO has joined the signatories to Damascus Declaration for democratic change , to contribute, with other forces of the Declaration, to the process of struggle for the construction of a democratic modern state based on the principles of justice, liberty, respect for human rights, as well as on the fact that, Syria, is a home for all its sons, Arabs, Kurds, Assyrians (Syriacs) and other national components.

Below is the text of the joint statement:

Joint statement

Damascus (Syria ) :
Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO) had taken part in the preliminary discussions held in preparation for the Damascus Declaration. And in an attempt from both parties, ADO and Damascus Declaration, to keep the channels of dialogue and common national work open, the discussions between them went on after the Declaration was announced This dialogue in its both phases, before and after the announcement of the Declaration, was positive and constructive on all levels, particularly, as regards the points raised by the Organization which had created some confusion and misunderstanding .

The discussions has lately resulted in ADO’s joining the signatories to the Declaration . Further , it has been confirmed that the signatories to the declaration will prepare a joint working program for the future that would serve the cause of democratic changes . Moreover, much importance has been given during these discussions to the fact that, Syria the homeland, with all its national components, Arabs, Kurds, Assyrians (Syriacs) and others, as well as various religious affiliations, Muslims, Christians and others, are much interested in the democratic changes and in building a modern state based on the principles of citizenship and human rights, the sole guarantors of a homeland embracing all its sons

Damascus 07/01/2006

Assyrian Democratic Organization
Transitional committee for Damascus Declaration

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