Home / Press releases / ADO: A Statement for the Public Opinion on the Cartoon’s Issue

ADO: A Statement for the Public Opinion on the Cartoon’s Issue

Damascus- ADO:
Assyrian Democratic Organization as well as our Cahldo-Assyrian people have been following with great concern the dangerous course the protests and demonstrations in the Arab and Islamic world especially in Iraq , Syria ,Palestine and Lebanon over the publication of cartoons insulting Islam is heading for.

The caricatures originally appeared last September in a Danish newspaper (Jyllands-Posten) and later were republished in a number of European newspapers . These reactions have gone too far beyond the limits of condemnation and denunciation into attacks on six of our people’s churches in Baghdad and Kerkuk and two others in Beirut , in addition to threats of setting fire to churches in Gaza , assaults on Christian students in al-Musol University as well as burning embassies in Damascus and Beirut in an unprecedented way , an attitude alien to our societies.

These violent actions have resulted in the killing of innocent people and burning and destruction of private and public property . Moreover , the problem , particularly in Lebanon , has been exacerbated by angry mobs to the verge of a new civil war , had it not been for the mediation of some wise men there who were able to contain the situation in good time . All this came under a vicious and systematic campaign in which fanatic groups conniving with opportunist political forces , who took the advantage of the protests against the publication of the insulting cartoons of the Holy prophet , to achieve political aims that are far from being religious or noble . Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO) views the escalation of the cartoon issue four months after its publication , closely connected with the political frustration and security tension prevailing in the Middle East , and further , with the crisis between the US and its European allies on one hand , and many countries of the region on the other , against the backdrop of many hot regional files ,on top of them , the Lebanese , Iraqi , Palestinian , Afghan as well as the Iranian nuclear issue.

As a matter of fact , the various parties and political forces instigating these demonstrations wanted to “wage political wars” on various levels , under the banner of religion , taking advantage of the religious feelings of the faithful and simple people who would have done better had they called for the betterment of their livelihood , education and health care , as well as , their democratic rights which is being violated systematically by repressive regimes The Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO) , while strongly condemning the Danish newspaper and the other ones that have published and republished the cartoons disrespectful to Islam and Moslems , it equally condemns all the destructions , killings and arson that have accompanied these protest rallies . It further, calls on everybody to respect all the faiths and religions that hold especial sanctity in the hearts of many people all over the world.

Similarly , we call upon the people , governments , mass media , political and religious authorities of the region to shun sectarian and political incitement and to create best relationships amongst the people of the region and the world based on mutual respect and dialogue . In this connection , ADO , calls the attention of these regional parties to an important and serious issue , which is the recurrence of attacks on the Christians and churches in the region – as it is happening now in Iraq – in an unjustified retaliation for the offences committed here and there in the western countries by individuals , governments or institutions against people of the region and their religious beliefs , oblivious to the fact that , Christians of the region throughout the history have always been siding with their Moslem brethren in protecting and building their common countries , not only this , but also were seven centuries ahead of them in that.

As a matter of fact , we see that these attacks , carried out by well –known vicious and fanatic forces , are concealing very dangerous plots behind them . In fact, they are implementing hidden and evil plans aiming at destabilizing the region , and sowing seeds of hatred amongst the members of the same society , as well as tearing apart its social structure which historically depends on religious , cultural and ethnic diversity . All these schemes come to serve goals completely contrary to the interests of the people who strives for freedom , stability and prosperity .

– 8 Feb.2006

Assyrian Democratic Organization
Political Bureau

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