Home / Press releases / A statement on the occasion of first of April the Assyrian New Year’s Day

A statement on the occasion of first of April the Assyrian New Year’s Day

Qamshli(syrian)- ADO– Our Assyrian-Syrian-Chaldean people celebrates on the first of April every year its National Day , the Babylonian Assyrian New Year’s Day ( Al Akitou ) , following the steps of its proud grandfathers who established the pillars of civilization and development in Mesopotamia and Syria , and drawing inspiration and potentials from the renewal of nature and rebirth of Tamuz to recreate , persist and confront all forms of subjugation , injustice and exclusion , as well as , all attempts of falsification and obliteration of its history and its national identity . The first of Nissan comes to revive our people’s hope for a better tomorrow , based on the principles of democracy , respect for human rights and the rights of small minorities to develop and protect their existence in an atmosphere of harmony and fraternity between all society components away from all forms of conflict and fanaticism .

The 1st of (Nisan) April comes this year at a time when the people of Iraq in general and our Assyrian Syrian Chaldean people in particular , suffer from tragic and painful conditions. Their children are being kidnapped , killed and displaced on the hands of militias and terrorist “Takfiri” exclusionist groups who are aiming at emptying Iraq out of its oldest historical components , benefiting from the chaotic security situation and the deadlocked political process which has failed to find a solution to the Iraqi dilemma.

While in Turkey , mass graves are being discovered one after the other in many places at “Tour Abedeen” as live witnesses of the Genocide “alSeifo” perpetrated by the Turkish “Ittihad WalTaraki” government during the I World War against our people and caused their mass extermination and displacement in Turkey to an extent that numerically they have become almost non-existent . In spite of that , the Turkish government brazenly persists in denying the Genocide committed against our people as well as against the friendly Armenian people .

As for Syria where a condition of stability, safety and a wide margin of religious freedoms prevails , some unrelated incidents of killing , infringement on the rights , lands and properties belonging to our people at some villages occurred that has caused great worry . And despite the condemnation of these acts by all sections of the society, nevertheless, they have left negative feelings and created a state of luck of confidence between the partners in the homeland and damaged the values of peaceful coexistence .

Now , our people looks forward to rectifying this abnormal situation through the application of the rules of law on those who are undermining this coexistence and to putting an end to aggressions and infringements . Similarly , they look forward to the constitutional recognition of their national rights as an indigenous people under the umbrella of a democratic , secular system based on the principles of justice and equality , a system that ensures active participation for all the Syrians whatever their national and political affiliations .

Our people’s celebration of the National Day this year coincides with the golden Jubilee celebration of the founding of the ADO , the first democratic political organization in the modern history of our people . As a matter of fact , having depended on the support and sympathy of our people and adopting a moderate , open and democratic approach , the Organization has been able , over fifty years of its peaceful struggle to reflect the aspiration and ambitions of our people , honestly and realistically , securing a respectable presence at the national and patriotic levels . Moreover, the Organization’s participation these days in the Parliamentary (General Assembly) election with a candidate whose electoral statement openly reflects our national demands , is a clear indication of this approach .

Now , despite the prevailing Emergency Laws in the country and the complete absence of general democratic competition under the present unjust election law, the Organization preferred to take part in this election . First , in order to express its national characteristics and enhance the opportunities of interaction with the citizens from different political and religious affiliations . Second , to draw attention to our fair , national and democratic demands , on top of them comes , changing the current election law and replacing it with a modern democratic one , and not to mention that , the participation itself is considered a means of peaceful , gradual , democratic process , irrespective of the results which always are fabricated and packaged .

On the other hand , the political arena has witnessed recently the convention of many national conferences both in the Diaspora and the motherland that have reflected the will and the determination of our people to break the cycle of fragmentations and divisions in the national rank . Although some positive results have come out of these meetings , but they could not rise up to the level of hopes placed on them in terms of pushing towards the unification of the national discourse and the crystallization of a unified national vision as regards our people’s demands from the governments in the region , in particular those pertaining to the amendments in the provisions of Federal Iraqi Constitution and the draft constitution of Kurdistan region . No doubt , overcoming this reality necessitates joining forces and makes incumbent upon our institutions to open up to more dialogue and communications among themselves with the aim of raising up to the level and mechanism of the joint national work and to end up forming a national organizational reference body able to embody the ambitions and inspirations of our people in different forums and circumstances .

Finally, as we congratulate our people and our nation on the occasion of the Assyrian New Year, we look forward to making this day a national holiday for all citizens.

Congratulations and best wishes to you all.

Syria end of March 2007- 6756
ADO – Political Bureau

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Home / News / Assyrian news / A statement on the occasion of first of April the Assyrian New Year’s Day

A statement on the occasion of first of April the Assyrian New Year’s Day

Qamshli(syrian)- ADO– Our Assyrian-Syrian-Chaldean people celebrates on the first of April every year its National Day , the Babylonian Assyrian New Year’s Day ( Al Akitou ) , following the steps of its proud grandfathers who established the pillars of civilization and development in Mesopotamia and Syria , and drawing inspiration and potentials from the renewal of nature and rebirth of Tamuz to recreate , persist and confront all forms of subjugation , injustice and exclusion , as well as , all attempts of falsification and obliteration of its history and its national identity . The first of Nissan comes to revive our people’s hope for a better tomorrow , based on the principles of democracy , respect for human rights and the rights of small minorities to develop and protect their existence in an atmosphere of harmony and fraternity between all society components away from all forms of conflict and fanaticism .

The 1st of (Nisan) April comes this year at a time when the people of Iraq in general and our Assyrian Syrian Chaldean people in particular , suffer from tragic and painful conditions. Their children are being kidnapped , killed and displaced on the hands of militias and terrorist “Takfiri” exclusionist groups who are aiming at emptying Iraq out of its oldest historical components , benefiting from the chaotic security situation and the deadlocked political process which has failed to find a solution to the Iraqi dilemma.

While in Turkey , mass graves are being discovered one after the other in many places at “Tour Abedeen” as live witnesses of the Genocide “alSeifo” perpetrated by the Turkish “Ittihad WalTaraki” government during the I World War against our people and caused their mass extermination and displacement in Turkey to an extent that numerically they have become almost non-existent . In spite of that , the Turkish government brazenly persists in denying the Genocide committed against our people as well as against the friendly Armenian people .

As for Syria where a condition of stability, safety and a wide margin of religious freedoms prevails , some unrelated incidents of killing , infringement on the rights , lands and properties belonging to our people at some villages occurred that has caused great worry . And despite the condemnation of these acts by all sections of the society, nevertheless, they have left negative feelings and created a state of luck of confidence between the partners in the homeland and damaged the values of peaceful coexistence .

Now , our people looks forward to rectifying this abnormal situation through the application of the rules of law on those who are undermining this coexistence and to putting an end to aggressions and infringements . Similarly , they look forward to the constitutional recognition of their national rights as an indigenous people under the umbrella of a democratic , secular system based on the principles of justice and equality , a system that ensures active participation for all the Syrians whatever their national and political affiliations .

Our people’s celebration of the National Day this year coincides with the golden Jubilee celebration of the founding of the ADO , the first democratic political organization in the modern history of our people . As a matter of fact , having depended on the support and sympathy of our people and adopting a moderate , open and democratic approach , the Organization has been able , over fifty years of its peaceful struggle to reflect the aspiration and ambitions of our people , honestly and realistically , securing a respectable presence at the national and patriotic levels . Moreover, the Organization’s participation these days in the Parliamentary (General Assembly) election with a candidate whose electoral statement openly reflects our national demands , is a clear indication of this approach .

Now , despite the prevailing Emergency Laws in the country and the complete absence of general democratic competition under the present unjust election law, the Organization preferred to take part in this election . First , in order to express its national characteristics and enhance the opportunities of interaction with the citizens from different political and religious affiliations . Second , to draw attention to our fair , national and democratic demands , on top of them comes , changing the current election law and replacing it with a modern democratic one , and not to mention that , the participation itself is considered a means of peaceful , gradual , democratic process , irrespective of the results which always are fabricated and packaged .

On the other hand , the political arena has witnessed recently the convention of many national conferences both in the Diaspora and the motherland that have reflected the will and the determination of our people to break the cycle of fragmentations and divisions in the national rank . Although some positive results have come out of these meetings , but they could not rise up to the level of hopes placed on them in terms of pushing towards the unification of the national discourse and the crystallization of a unified national vision as regards our people’s demands from the governments in the region , in particular those pertaining to the amendments in the provisions of Federal Iraqi Constitution and the draft constitution of Kurdistan region . No doubt , overcoming this reality necessitates joining forces and makes incumbent upon our institutions to open up to more dialogue and communications among themselves with the aim of raising up to the level and mechanism of the joint national work and to end up forming a national organizational reference body able to embody the ambitions and inspirations of our people in different forums and circumstances .

Finally, as we congratulate our people and our nation on the occasion of the Assyrian New Year, we look forward to making this day a national holiday for all citizens.

Congratulations and best wishes to you all.

Syria end of March 2007- 6756
ADO – Political Bureau

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