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A delegation from A.D.O. concludes its tour of duty in Europe

Furthermore , the issues of? activation and the performance of the Organization in the national arena , as well as? the importance of playing a greater role by branches in Diaspora , particularly in Europe , to support our national cause at home, and the complete coordination and cooperation with the leadership? were discussed . The tour was concluded by supervising the activities of the seventh annual convention of Europe‘s branch which ended its schedule successfully on 18/01/2004.

On the other hand, the delegation held a number of meetings and gave lectures in several cities in Europe .The first of these lectures was in Beith Nahrein club in Augsburg, this was followed by others in Wiesbaden , G?tersloh, in Germany , in Enschede in Netherlands , and finally in? Brussels in Belgium . A large audience attended?these lectures. Political situation in the area in general, and the conditions of our people in the light of political relaxation Syria was witnessing in particular,? were reviewed , in addition to? directives and? activities of the organization’s political bureau , in both domestic and national domains? . Special attention was given to the Chaldeo- Syriac ?Assyrian convention, which was an important national event, convened in Baghdad last year . Further empathies were laid on the necessity of linking the Diaspora with the homeland and building communication bridges between our people.


The delegation met in the city hall in Hengelo , Netherlands, with the MP from Christian Democratic party Mr.Bart Von Vencin . During this meeting comrade Saadi , outlined the objective of the delegation?s tour in Europe and highlighted the Organizations? efforts, together with other patriotic forces , to help establish a secular democratic society that would acknowledge minorities? and human rights in Syria . He further praised the political relaxation that Syria was witnessing and demanded the EU to do more to put an end to Arab-Israeli conflict through implementing UN resolutions. Then he thanked the government of Netherlands for its care for our people. Mr. Von Vencin , in his turn assured that the A.D.O.’s worries would be taken into consideration and would be? passed on to competent committees in the parliament .

The delegation after that met with the leadership of Shuraya Party in Wiesbaden , Germany . The comrades in this meeting stressed the importance of the Chaldeo-Syriac-Assyrian convention held in Baghdad the year before, where great number of religious and political organizations and parties from homeland and Diaspora took part, and was considered a great national achievement which needed to be supported and encouraged . The leadership of Ashooraia Party expressed their complete readiness to support and activate the national efforts in cooperation with the basic forces and factions operating in the homeland?through their participation in the general secretariat that originated from the convention.

In the same context, other meetings were held with representatives of Assyrian National Party and the Democratic Assyrian Movement in Europe. The national issue and the coordination among various parties and factions of our people was the main topic of discussion.

The last meetings in Brussels were with Mr.Willy Fotre president of Human Rights without Boundaries Organization. Here as well, the Organization confirmed its well known positions.


Press Interviews

The following interviews were given by comrade alSaadi during the tour:

???????? An interview with (Livre belgique) newspapers, one of the biggest dailies in Belgium, the interview was published 2 days later .

???????? Another long interview? with (alShark alAwssat ) Arabic daily, was not published .

???????? An interview with (radio Contact Inter.) which transmits its programs in Arabic in Belgium.

???????? A long interview with Chaldo-Ashur radio in France

???????? An interview with Syriac radio in Wiesbaden,Germany.??????





Political Bureau?s delegation tour in Sweden

A delegation from the political Bureau of A.D.O. consisting of comrades Basheer Assadi, chairman of the? political bureau and Gabriel Moushe member of the political bureau , toured Sweden between 29/01 and 02/03/2004 with an aim of getting acquainted with the conditions of our ?people ,? the organizational status of our sister branches in Sweden , as well as? revitalizing the performance of the organization and strengthening ties between our people in the Diaspora and homeland , in addition to holding meetings with various factions and organizations of our people , aiming at introducing the Organization?s programs , within the framework of openness and publicity?? agreed upon in the A.D.O.?s 10 convention.


The delegation held talks with the Organization?s board of Swedish branch and district committees and with most comrades inside and outside the organizational structure, and further elaborated?on the?programs of the political bureau as well as the nature of the new phase the organization was entering. On the other hand, the delegation got acquainted with the organizational status of the Swedish branch and the mechanism of work employed by them. The delegation further pointed out the importance of opening up to our people, as well as to the political parties and organizations in Sweden, stressing the need for planning the future through upgrading the existing mechanism of work and communicating with the youth through special programs, and through affiliation in Swedish clubs and parties.? It further added that the minor problems that might emerge here and there during the course of the organizational work should be dealt with transparently and on time, through keeping in touch with the leadership in the homeland. These should not be allowed to accumulate and worsen, especially that the Organization was considered the main faction working in the Swedish arena?????????


The delegation also held several meetings with leadership of national parties in Sweden, as well as with The Union of Assyrian Clubs, Union of Assyrian Women in Sweden, in addition to meetings with our people?s religious, social and cultural personalities. During all these meetings means of revitalizing national work as well as building strong communication bridges between our people in the homeland and Diaspora was discussed.?


The delegation delivered a number of lectures at Assyrian clubs in towns of Norshobing,

Stockholm, Orebro ,Yonshobink ,Norshboy ,Yotoberi and Sodeltaria . In these lectures the delegation reviewed the situation in the homeland, especially in Syria and Iraq, emphasizing the transformations that occurred in the past years, and highlighting the activities the Organization did, starting from the 10th convention, to the Chaldeo-Assyrian general convention, and ending up with the openness to all national political forces in Syria. These lectures were followed by open dialogues with the large audience attended these meeting, during which?? sufficient details about the position of the Organization on all national and domestic issues were given.


The delegation further held several meetings in Sweden. The first of which was?with Mr. Murad Artin , the former MP in the Swedish parliament from the Leftist party . Mr.Artin had played a great an active role during his term in the parliament, to urge the Swedish parliament recognize the Assyrian genocide perpetrated by the Turks during the First World War?First, comrade Saadi thanked him for his stance and support, then informed him of the history, goals, positions and the activities of the Organization as well as the dialectical link between its domestic and national struggle.


On his part Mr. Artin expressed his happiness and his appreciation for the step taken by the Organization to open up to the political life in Syria, as well as to European parties. Then he reviewed the history of the Leftist party (former communist party) and its role in the political life in Sweden, after that he elaborated on the role the Leftist party played in the parliament for the sake of seeking recognition for the Assyrian and Armenian genocide perpetrated by the Turks.?


On the 10th of Feb. a delegation from the Organization consisting? of comrades? AsarHadoun Issa , Saaed Yeldiz in addition to political Bureau? representatives , met in the Swedish parliament building with Swedish MP from the Leftist party Mr. Longstrom and the political secretary of the Leftist party?s parliamentarian group? for foreign policy Mr. Hans Arfidson . Mr.Longstrom welcomed the delegation and pointed out that he was in charge of foreign relations , particularly issues related to Turkey . Then?comrade Saadi outlined the Organizations history and the conditions of our people in Iraq, Syria and Turkey , stating? that our people everywhere was looking forward to obtaining its national rights through comprehensive democratic solutions , and within the national framework of the countries they lived in . He further stressed the importance of supporting our people in order not to abandon its homeland, as its presence in particular, and the presence of christians in general, constituted a stabilizing factor, because of their moderation vis-a-vis all kinds of fundamentalism and extremism in the area. Besides, he wished that Sweden and the European Union would press Israel into accepting?? a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East as per UN resolutions, so that the people of the area would be free for fundamental issues of growth and development. Moreover, comrade Saadi called for backing Syria in its bid to join the EU partnership, as this would have positive effects on the Syrian people and would consequently strengthen the stability in the region. Finally he expressed his thanks to the Leftist party for its support concerning the issue of genocide perpetrated against our people by Turkey.

Mr. Longstrom on his part confirmed that both sides? shared common views concerning?? supporting the democratic and secular line, recognizing the rights of ethnic minorities, especially the rights of Assyrian people which were one of the oldest aboriginal people in the area. He further noted that his party constantly criticized both Turkey and Israel. The former ,for not? calling its past to account , and? for its denial? the? genocide perpetrated against the Assyrian and the Armenian people , the latter for its building the protective wall and not complying with the UN resolutions , which definitely? meant that Israel did not want peace , then he further added that this policy was condemned to failure , as apartheid failed in south Africa .? Concerning Iraq, he stressed the fact that greater role should be given to the UN, and considered what US and Britain did, was a violation of international law.? This of course did not mean that his party supported Saddam Hussein’s regime, on the contrary, it desired to strengthen the UN’s role in Iraq. Concerning the presence of our people in its homeland, he noted that democracy was the guarantee for every kind of stability in the area. Nevertheless, he stressed the right of every individual to immigrate to Sweden or elsewhere, and further supported the idea of integration into the new communities, but it was important, he added, that the new comers preserve their culture and tradition

Meeting with Swedish- Assyrian Friendship Committee
On the 11/02/2004 the delegation met with Swedish Assyrian Friendship Committee ,(an independent committee) headed by the former Swedish MP from the Democratic Christian Party Mrs. Margarita Ficklond ,who warmly welcomed the A.D.O delegation and explained?? that her Committee?s activities involved humanitarian aid to the middle east? . She further added that what made her side with the Assyrian people were the atrocities it went through, throughout hundreds of years, when there was no one to stand by it. Then she moved to review the programs her Committee carried out to help and support our people. After that??comrade Saadi thanked her for the efforts she exerted in the past and present in the Parliament and in other international forums , to support the cause of our people, especially? the issue of genocide (Seifo) , and furthermore , confirmed the Organization?s absolute readiness to back and support her committee?s programs , and announced her a honorary member of the Organization and said ?we will not forget what you have done for our people , similarly we will not forget what Mr. Murad Artin and others have done? ?? finally he concluded that ?contacts should continue between the Committee and the Organization and? these? should broaden to include all? Swedish parties? .

Meeting with representatives of foreign relation committee in the Swedish parliament from the governing Socialist Democratic Party

?On the 12/02/2004 the A.D.O?s delegation met in the Swedish parliament building in Stockholm with a delegation representing?? foreign relation committee in the Swedish parliament, as well as the European Parliament. The delegation consisted of Yelmas Kerimo (an Assyrian MP who arranged the meeting) Karina Heigh , Brita Lion and Brigit Alkefist . Following the introduction and the greetings, the political bureau?s chairman explained that the objective of the visit to Sweden was to? become familiar with the conditions of our people in Sweden and to further strengthen? ties between the homeland and Diaspora , in addition to holding? political meetings with our people?s organizations as well as with the representatives of the Syrian government .Then he praised the role? the? Socialist Democratic Party played in transforming Sweden to a model country in the world . After that he proceeded to review the conditions of our people in Syria, Turkey and Iraq and talked about the Organization and its goals that aimed at obtaining recognition of the rights of the Chaldean , Assyrian and the Syriac people as indigenous people in the area , within the framework of the national unity and sovereignty of the countries they live in . Moreover, he demanded that pressure be exerted on Turkey in order to force her to recognize the genocide she committed against our people which resulted in the killing of half of them and the displacement of the other half. As far as Iraq was concerned, he demanded that the Swedish government and the European Union?? show more interest in the cause of our people there to prevent the repetition of what happened in 1932. Then he expressed his belief that Sweden and the European Union could play greater role in supporting the issues of democracy and minority rights, including the rights of our people. After that he wished that Sweden and the European Union would pressure Israel into accepting?? a just and lasting peace in the Middle East as per UN resolutions. After that he called for backing Syria in its bid to join EU partnership. Finally he thanked the Swedish government for its help to our people and stressed that our people would keep the same allegiance to Sweden as they did to their homeland.


On behalf of the Swedish delegation spoke MP Karina Heigh . First she said she was pleased to meet the organization’s delegation and to get to know the reality of the Assyrian people, and added that one of the principles of the Swedish foreign policy was the interest shown in the issues of democracy, human rights, minorities, and women. That is way she was concerned with the condition of our people in the homeland. While? admitting? that the Christians? in the east lived difficult times , she? added that Assyrian communities in Sweden as well as the Muslims communities? constituted? bridges between our two countries and consequently would help deepen the cultural and human interaction between us . She inquired after that about the A.D.O.’s attitude towards the changes in Iraq and Turkey and whether the pressure exerted by the US paved the way to democratic changes or it was an excuse for silencing the minorities , and finally, whether it was good , holding election in Iraq at that time .? “Freedom of worship in Syria?, comrade Saadi answered,”?is safeguarded to everybody, our people and Christians in general enjoy a religious freedom that one could hardly find in the other countries of the Middle East “. Then he pointed out that the way US was handling issues in the region pushed people to more extremism and fanaticism and inflamed animosity towards the west in general, because of Americas partiality and siding with Israel, adding that the EU’s approach to the Middle East issues was more feasible but was lacking vitality. Concerning the election in Iraq he indicated that it was very difficult to hold elections because of the unstable security condition there and marginalization of the UN role.


MP Brita Lyon, in her turn, expressed her pleasure and stressed the importance of such meetings, especially in Stockholm, which was home to a great number of our people. Finally she inquired, if there would be any reservation regarding a visit to Syria by a joint delegation from Swedish parliamentarians and a number of our people residing there.? Comrade Saadi?s answer was ?No. On the contrary this initiative will be welcomed not only by the Organization but by the Syrian government as well ?.


Meeting with the president of Swedish parliament
A short meeting was held in the parliament building with Mr.Biorn Von Sidof president of the parliament. Present in the meeting was the Assyrian MP Mr. Yelmaz Kerimo (who arranged the meeting) as well as comrade Saeed Yaldea , who participated in all the meetings . During this meeting the A.D.O?s delegation explained the goals and objectives of the Organization, as well as the conditions of our people. Mr.Sidof was pleased with the meeting and pointed out that there was similarity between the approach of the A.D.O. and that of the socialist Democratic Party?s, as regards democracy and secularism.

Meeting with the Ambassador of Syria in Stockholm 26/02/2004
The delegation paid a visit to the Syrian Embassy in Stockholm and was received, as Syrian citizens, by the ambassador Mr.Sameer alKasser and the general counsel Mr.Abed alGHafar . Comrade Saadi explained the purpose behind their visit to Europe and further, reviewed the meetings and the activities carried out with the Swedish officials. Then he called for dealing with all members of Syrian community equally, irrespective of their religious, political or national affiliations, and further requested them to facilitate the expatriates? visit to the homeland. He also added that the Organization was very much concerned with building bridges between the homeland and the expatriates. Another point? raised with the ambassador , was the issue of the arable lands? leased by some expatriate families as per usufruct law , and the attempts by some circles in Syria to annul these contracts , and consequently to deprive these expatriates? from their legitimate lands . He called attention to the seriousness of these attempts, which might forever end the relation of the expatriates with their homeland, and he further called on the embassy to act as intermediary to help reclaim the rights of these people .
The ambassador?was pleased with the meeting and confirmed that the Syrian embassy belonged to all Syrian citizens; its door was always open to all of them without distinction. The services offered were free of charge, and the stuff was doing its best to facilitate all the problems. Concerning the issue of the arable lands, the ambassador pointed out that the embassy was concerned with diplomatic affairs. Nevertheless, it could hand over any application from those concerned to the authorities?? for consideration. He further denied that the embassy was seeking to affiliate people into alBath party; on the contrary he said they urged them to join Swedish parties because that would hold greater benefit for Syria. The speech of the ambassador showed he was very well acquainted with the affairs of the Syrian community there .He noted that the division of the community was a sign of weakness; consequently it wouldn?t serve its aspirations and would weaken its ability to influence the Swedish arena.

Turkey’s ancient Christians seek to resettle villages

Syriac archbishop: ‘It is our pleasure to have our people back from different parts of the world’

By Agence France Presse (AFP)

Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Turkey: The ancient Syriac Orthodox monastery outside this southeastern city is praying for a brighter future as Christians, forced out of their ancestral lands by economic hardship and an armed Kurdish insurgency, start trickling back to their villages.

“It is our pleasure to have our people back from different parts of the world,” said Archbishop Filuksinos Saliba Ozmen at the Deyrulzafaran Monastery, which dates back to the 5th century and sits on a bluff overlooking an extensive plain.
“By the grace of God they are coming back. Otherwise we would lose everything, the entire community,” he added in his office adorned with pictures of late archbishops and patriarchs.
The Syriac Orthodox community, one of the world’s oldest Christian denominations, whose original congregations also settled into what is today Iraq,Syria and EN, numbered some 50,000 to 60,000 members in southeastern Turkey in the 1960s.

Many left for Europe in the 1970s for economic reasons. Emigration to countries such as, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Sweden ballooned over the following decade amid heavy fighting between the army and Kurdish rebels seeking self-rule in the mainly Kurdish southeast. “We were caught in the middle of the clashes,” Ozmen said.
The community now numbers 20,000-25,000 with most now living in Istanbul. Recently some Syriac Orthodox families in decided they would try their luck and return to villages they had abandoned, as the insurgency has almost died out after rebels declared a unilateral cease-fire and took refuge in neighboring Iraq in 1999.

The rebels however issued a statement over the weekend threatening new attacks. “The situation now is at least safer than before. We have been struggling, working for it to get better,” Ozmen said just before that statement was issued.
Also bolstering the community’s hopes was an official government call in 2001 for the Syrian Orthodox community to return and a guarantee they would not be hindered from doing so.

Turke’s drive to join the European Union is another influence on the return of this Christian community, as the mainly Muslim country strives to ensure religious freedoms and democratic rights for its minorities in order to join the EU.
Ozmen explained that of 12 Syriac villages abandoned in the region, only one, Marbobo, had been rebuilt and resettled after eight families returned.

Reconstruction was under way in two other villages, Kafro and Arbo, while plans were being drawn up for the rebuilding in some six other villages in the surrounding rugged hills, said the archbishop. “The authorities are helping us with getting water and electricity to the villages. We are planning to receive some young families”, said Ozmen. “If we get five percent of the Syriac community back, it would not be bad,” he added. But all is not rosy. The archbishop pointed to the difficulty of keeping alive the culture of the community which uses Aramaic, the language spoken at the time of Jesus, in its liturgy.
The Syriac Orthodox were not recognized as an official minority in 1923 when the Turkish Republic was founded – unlike the Greek, Jewish and Armenian communities – leaving them without the right to open official schools.
The community resorted to sending their children to Turkish state schools during the day and afterward to informal schooling in both Deyrulzafaran as well as in the Mor Gabriel Monastery – the oldest monastery in the world – in the nearby town of Midyat.

“That is why we would like to see Turkey in the EU to live better and practice our culture better. We, as Christian minorities, have a great task in establishing ties between Turkey and the European Union,” said Ozmen.


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