Home / Press releases / A Dark Sunday in the History of the Christian Churches of Iraq

A Dark Sunday in the History of the Christian Churches of Iraq

So far, there are 18 casualties and scores of wounded, the majority of whom are children, women and elderly ChaldoAssyrians who were attending the Sunday Mass in their Churches.  Prior to these terrorist attacks there was a period of many threats which were followed by a series of assassinations, kidnappings and attacks on Christians.

The future of ChaldoAssyrians in Iraq, whose population is more than 1.2 million, is in acute danger.  Today, as in the past, they are once again the victims of the struggles of the major political powers in the Middle East.  The American invasion of Iraq did not bring democracy and freedom only, but it has also brought the destruction, murder, never-ending worries, and instability to all Iraqi citizens and especially the ChaldoAssyrians.

We appeal to the international community to condemn and help put an end to such terrorist attacks targeting Christians and especially ChaldoAssyrians, and to take the needed measures to ensure the security and protection of their lives, places of worship and properties.

We are also calling on the Iraqi government and all the democratic and national powers in Iraq, as well as the neighboring countries, coalition forces and the United Nations to use their full resources to help cease such barbaric actions against the innocent and passive Christians and their Churches.  These terrorist attacks aim to dismantle the Iraqi national unity and harm the close ties between the national, ethnic and religious groups comprising the Iraqi society.

We condemn such terrorist, barbaric and inhumane attacks, and we offer our deepest sympathies and condolences to the families of the innocent casualties.  We also offer sympathies to the wounded and wish them a fast recovery.  Our hopes are that the roots of these terrorist groups are completely destroyed.  These terrorist groups lack human compassion and have violated the teachings of all heavenly religions and human rights.

We value the stands and the attempts of the noble groups, presented in the vision of leaders of the political parties and religious leaders who had immediately condemned the terrorist attacks which kill the innocent civilians and create ethnic and religious tensions in the Iraqi society.

Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO) / Diaspora Branches
Assyrian Democratic Movement (ADM)
Assyrian Patriotic Party (APP) / Europe
Assyrian Federation of Sweden
Assyrian Federation of Germany (ZAVD)
Tur Abdin Federation of Holland

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